P. 15

Unit 1: Education in India During Ancient Period : Vedic and Buddhist Education

            5.  Conference: Conferences were arranged on every full moon and 1st day of month in the  Notes
                Budhist sanghs. The monks of different sanghs assembled and put forward their doubts
                freely. The attendance of every monk was compulsory in such conference.
            6.  Meditation in solitude: Some Budhist monks were more interested in isolated spiritual
                meditation in lonely forests and caves. Only those monks were considered fit for lonely
                meditation who had fully renounced the worldly attraction and had spent enough time in
                the sanghs and had gained the efficiency for solitary medications.

                        Lord Buddha had advised during his life time not to admit women  in monasteries,
                        but after some time due to the insistence of his dear pupil Ananda.

            1.6.1 Role of Teacher in Budhist system
            Budhist philosophy admit the possible of attaining peace here and now, though, it start with a
            pessimistic note. Teacher, therefore, need not have any cry of despair in the Buddhist system.
            Bhikshus were the teacher. Budhist vihar as or monasteries have their methods of Imitation and
            training for the apprentices. The preceptor must give his disciple, all possible intellectual and
            spiritual help and guidance. There was mutual esteem between the teacher and the pupil. There
            relations were like father and son. The teacher was regarded as spiritual father or intellectual
            father of the student.
            During Budhist period the place of teacher in the scheme of education was very important. There
            were the categories of teachers - Acharyas and Upadhayas. According to Sutras Literature Acharya
            may admit according to his unfettered discretion, a number of pupils, who would have to live
            with him at this house, for a minimum period of twelve years. He would not accept any fees
            from the pupils under this instruction. The progress shown by pupil was the only factor that
            determined the continence of his apprenticeship.
            Self Assessment:

            3.  State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False':
               (i) Eight fold path as preached by Buddha provides guidance for moral education and peace.
              (ii) The Vedas were the basis of Buddhist education.
              (iii) Buddhist literature replaced them as the source of wisdom and morality.
              (iv) Pabbajja was an accepted ceremony of the Buddhist monasteries.
              (v) Pabbajja means coming out.

            1.7 Summary

            •   The Vedic literature consists of the following: 1. Four Vedas; 2. Six Vedangas; 3. Four
                Upvedas; 4. Four Brahmanas; 5. One hundred and eighty Upanishads; 6. Six systems of
                philosophy; 7. Bhagwad Gita; 8. Three Smritis.
            •   Main features of the vedic Education are as follows:
               (i) In ancient India teaching was considered to be holy duty which a Brahman was bound to
                  discharge irrespective of consideration of the fee teacher were expected to devote their
                  lives to the cause of teaching
              (ii) Rulers of the country had very little directly to do   with education. It was a private affairs
                  of the people managed entirely by Brahmans.
             (iii) Teachers behaved as parent to their pupils and pupils behaved as members of the teachers'

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