P. 202

Development of Education System

                   Notes          21.8 Review Questions

                                  1.  Explain the development of secondary education.
                                  2.  What are the aims of secondary education?
                                  3.  Give the main principles to prepare secondary school curriculum.
                                  4.  Explain the examination and evaluation system in India.
                                  5.  What is grading system? Give it advantages.

                                  Answer: Self Assessment
                                  1.  (i)  English       (ii)  Kothari Commission               (iii)  time table
                                      (v)  Mother tongue
                                  2.  (i)  True          (ii)  False       (iii)  True          (iv)  False

                                  21.9 Further Readings

                                              1.  Development of Education Systems : Dash Bn, SC Shaoo, Khatia K., Shipra
                                              2.  Developing Quality Systems in Education (Paperback) : Geoff Doherty(Editor),
                                                  Geoffrey D Doherty (Other)
                                              3.  Educational Regimes in Contemporary India : Radhika Chopra , Patricia M Jeffery

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