P. 212
Development of Education System
Notes Knowledge: ‘Bruner’ in ‘Instructional Technology’ has defined the term as – “Knowledge consists
of facts, concepts, terms, principles, theories, generalization, etc, which are useful for a teacher.”
A teacher must have knowledge of his subject, methods and techniques of teaching and factors
which affect teaching and knowledge of child psychology.
For training purpose it is necessary to know which part of knowledge is essential depending upon
the nature of the job.
Training emphasizes specific attitude, specific knowledge, and specific skills. Efficient
performance of the job depends upon the training. Objective of training programme
is also very specific.
23.2 Difference between Training and Education
‘Glase’, (1962) in his book ‘Psychological Instructional Technology in Training, Research and
Education’ published by University of Pintsburg has pointed out that a distinction can be made
in training and education on the basis of two criteria :
(a) The degree of specificity of objectives.
(b) Minimising Vs. Maximising individual differences.
Training has more specific objectives and attempts to minimise individual difference while
educational objectives are more general and it maximises the individual differences. It means
when people are educated the difference among them are increased and when they are trained
differences are minimised.
Difference between Education and Training
Education Training
1. Education emphasised the activities 1. It emphasizes on development of specific
which aim at developing the knowledge knowledge, attitude, skills and behaviour
and moral values required in all walks patterns to which an individual requires
of life rather than knowledge and skill to perform a job adequately. These
relating io only a limited field of behaviour patterns differ from job to job.
activities. Education is a process of If we train a teacher we develop those
developing integrated personality. skills which are needed to him to be a
good teacher.
2. The purpose of education is to provide the 2. The Purpose of Training is to bring
conditions essential for young persons excellence in the specific job for which
and adults to develop an understanding the individual is being trained. Training
of traditions and ideas influencing the is concerned with people learning to
society in which they live, others cultures perform tasks fairly specific and
and of the law of nature and to acquire prescribed tasks, although there are
linguistic and other skills which are basic exceptions where tasks are more opened
to learning personal development and as in management supervision.
Difference in education and training exits more in the context in instructional activity than the
actual methods used and objective sought. Never the less academically it is impossible to make
clear distinction between training and education. Training is an aspect of education.