P. 162
Guidance and Counseling
Notes 1. The individual exists in a constantly changing world of this own experience of which he is
the centre.
2. The individual’s private world of experience (the internal frame of reference can only be
known in any genuine and complete sense to the individual himself.
3. The individual reacts as a whole to the phenomenal field. The significance of this is that
organism is always a total organized system and change in any part could affect the whole.
4. The individual has the basic tendency to actualize, maintain and enhance himself. This is
called the undifferentiated ongoing tendency which is the basis for self-actualization.
5. Behaviour is fundamentally goal-directed and it is the expression of the individual who
strives to satisfy the needs as they are perceived.
6. Feelings and emotions accompany goal-directed behaviour and facilitate the expression of
7. The best way of understanding the significance of any behaviour is from the internal frame
of reference of the individual himself.
8. The self is differentiated from the total phenomenal field.
14.7 Keywords
Non Directive
Approach : A way of dealing with somebody or something or a way of doing or thinking
about something such as a problem or a task
Hypothesis : An idea or explanation of something that is based on a few known facts but
that has not yet been
Responding : Proved to be true or correct.
14.8 Review Questions
1. What is nondirective approach of councelling ? Explain its characteristics.
2. Explain the central hypothesis of non directive counseling.
3. What are the non directive counseling techniques
4. Give the Rager’s theroy postulates.
Answers : Self Assessment
1. (i)T (ii) T (iii) F (iv) F
2. (i) Client centered therory (ii) Carl Rogers
(iii) Clients (iv) Self acceptance
(v) Councellor
14.9 Further Readings
1. Guidance & Counseling: S. Nageshwara Rao, Discovery Publishing House
2. Guidance & Counselince: B.G. Barki, B.Kukh, Opadhyay, Sterling Publishers Pvt.
3. Guidance & Counseling : Suzanne E. Wade. Pam Schuctz, Lawrence Erlbaum