P. 126
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Notes performance in the areas measured. If sampling is small, scores are likely to be unfair to some
pupils. If sampling is ample or adequate, the scores are likely to be fair to all pupils.
“Objectivity” in a test makes for the elimination of the opinion, bias or judgment of the person
who scores it. Both ‘adequacy’ and objectivity are essential to test reliability and both are therefore
aspects or phases of reliability, though independent.
9.5 Practical Uses of Standardised Tests
The value of such tests is directly proportional to the extent to which the results from its use are
translated into improved instructional, guidance and administrative practices in the school.
9.5.1 Instructional Uses of Standardised Tests
(i) For class analysis and diagnosis.
(ii) To gather advance information about proficiency of his class in certain subjects.
(iii) To identify weaknesses and strengths in certain areas.
(iv) To ascertain the background of pupils in terms of general competencies and for mastery of
specific knowledge outcomes.
(iv) To check progress from time to time if the class moves together or that certain groups of
pupil need special attention.
(vi) To furnish justifiable basis for dividing the class into sections for remedial treatment
(vii) To make diagnostic use of test results, as basis for remedial teaching and basis for preventive
What is Foot rule Coefficient ?
9.5.2 For Individual Pupil Diagnosis
Besides the deficiency of the class in general there is also possibility of knowing the difficulties
of individual pupils along with their specific weaknesses and strengths. Test results should be
studied in the light of each individual’s attainments and points of difficulty. Critical analysis of
test scores of each pupil may reveal unexpected trouble spots, which otherwise would continue
to hamper his proper progress. Identification of such hard spots or trouble spots in learning can
then become the basis of remedial instruction or remedial material, which may help the pupil in
correcting his own weaknesses. In fact development and use of diagnostic tests based on such
hard spots of learning reveal the cause of such problems and difficulties, which in turn becomes
the basis for remedial instruction and other correctives to be applied. In fact diagnostic profile
chart on different skills and abilities can be prepared indicating areas of strengths and weaknesses.
9.5.3 Guidance Use of Standardised Tests
Standardised tests in different areas can be utilized for guiding pupils to select the right subjects
in accordance with their mental abilities, aptitudes, interests etc. It is necessary to identify special
abilities of pupils and providing challenge to them for greater efforts; directing children away
from fields in which they are not interested or have no aptitude. Test records obtained only in
the institution enable teachers and principals to help pupil adjust in school environment. Guidance
centre serves also as a test bureau. Some of the items in the record will be all types of readily
interpreted results of physical and mental tests, aptitude tests, progressive tests, personality
inventories, survey, and the analytical and diagnostic achievement test. Guidance specialist must
therefore be well trained in the use and interpretation of measurement and evaluation data.