P. 308

Educational Measurement and Evaluation

                   Notes                            DP = PQ
                                           Where,   DP = Discriminating Power
                                                     P = The percentage of students solving an item correctly
                                                     Q = The percentage of students solving an item incorrectly
                                           From the form of the above formula, it becomes evident that if an item is solved correctly
                                           by all students or by none of them, the value of Q and P becomes zero respectively. In
                                           such a condition, the discriminating power will be zero. The specialists are of the view
                                           that the item with discriminating power 250 is considered suitable for the test.
                                           The item number 7 of an achievement test was solved correctly by 30 students and
                                           incorrectly by 20 students in a class of 50 students. Find out the discriminating power of
                                           this item.
                                           The number of students solving the item correctly = 30
                                           Percentage of students solving the item correctly

                                                             P=   ×100
                                                               = 60%
                                           And percentage of students solving the item incorrectly
                                                            Q = 100 – P
                                                               = 100 – 60
                                                               = 40%
                                           So, discriminating power
                                                           DP = PQ
                                                               =  60 40
                                                               = 2400
                                           Second Method : When the number of students in a group is large, they are arranged in
                                           descending order according to the scores obtained in the test; and after this, two groups
                                           are formed as ‘high’ and ‘low’. Different methods for forming these two groups are used
                                           which are shown in the following table :

                                                                  Number of Students
                                                               I          II         III         IV

                                                High          25%        27%         33%        50%
                                                Low           25%        27%         33%        50%

                                           According to Geret and some other psychologists, the discriminating power can be
                                           better obtained by grouping 27% students in the high group and 27% in the low group.
                                           However, in research work where the number of students is 100 or less, the classes of 50-
                                           50% give better results.
                                           In the method of ‘high’ and ‘low’ classes, the discriminating power is found out by using
                                           the following formula :

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