P. 134
Teacher Education
Notes mainly concerned with questions of salaries, promotions etc. of teachers and are not essentially
professional societies concerned with the intellectual and professional improvement of their
members. They seldom arrange for lectures, exhibition, visits, excursions etc.
13.4 Faculty in Universities
After having a discussion on the background and appointment of the commission as well as its
basic recommendations on the aims and objectives of higher education, now we are going to
discuss in detail the specific recommendations on the various aspects of the university education
system in India.
The University Education Commission has emphasized that the teacher plays a vital role in the
education system; therefore, an adequate faculty with required qualifications are necessary to
discharge many types of duties in a university or in a college. The university Education
Commission recommended that proper care should be taken in the selection procedure of a
teacher for the appointment as a professor, reader, lecturer and an instructor as well as for his or
her salaries. Each university should have some research fellows. Besides theses, definite rules
regarding the Provident Fund, leave and hours of work should be followed by a university.
Self Assessment
2. Fill in the blanks
(i) The aim of ...................... should be to produce able citizens who can take up national
responsibilities according to university education commission.
(ii) The university should provide .......................... to acquire all kinds of knowledge.
(iii) It is the responsibility of the university to create a consciousness in students for protecting
...................... as to laid down in the constitution.
(iv) Contents of education must accept the best of what the .............. has to offer without
neglecting our cultural heritage from the past.
(v) .............................. has emphasized that the teacher play a vital role in the education
13.5 Teaching Standards
The most important duty of a university is to maintain the highest standard of its teaching and
examinations. In order to improve the teaching standard, the following are some of the
recommendations that were made by the University Education Commission in 1948-1949:
• "The standard of admission to the university courses should correspond to that of the present
intermediate examination, i.e. after the completion of 12 years of study at a school and an
intermediate college;
• That in each province a large number of well-equipped and well staffed intermediate colleges
(with classes IX to XII or XI to XII) be established;
• That in order to divert students to different vocations after 10 to 12 years of schooling, a
large number of occupational institutes be opened;
• That refresher courses be organized by the universities for high school and intermediate
college teachers;
• That the number of working days be substantially increased to ensure a minimum of 180
days in the year, exclusive of examination days, with three terms, each of about 11 weeks'
• That lectures be carefully planned and supplemented by tutorials, library works and written
• That there be no prescribed text-books for any courses of study;