P. 169
Unit 17: Globalization and Privatization in Teacher Education
• A second aim education should have, what may be termed the 'humanistic aim'. This requires Notes
the acknowledgement of a wide range of other literacies often neglected in schooling, like
the training in philosophy, ethics, value thinking and humanities.
• The third aim of a critical approach to education should be social justice (Morrow and
Torres 1999, 108). Pedagogical strategies ought to be devised to demonstrate the existent
threats to democracy and freedom, and expose students to ways in which new technologies
can be organized to create a more democratic and egalitarian, multicultural society.
• A shortcoming of this approach is that it still seeks an adaptation, albeit a critical one, to the
global-capitalist model as its ultimate aim. Though such an aim may rightly be envisaged
as a short-term solution, the question arises as to whether it can be maintained in the long
run, given the ethos of the global-capitalist economy.
17.10 Keywords
• Global : Covering or affecting the whole world
• Privatizaion : The process in which a business or an industry so that it is no longer
owned by government.
• Didactic : Designed to teach people somethin, especially a moral lesson.
17.11 Review Questions
1. Define globalisation in the context of teacher education.
2. Explain different approaches of global teacher education.
3. Give the challenges before the teaching profession.
4. Explain the concept privatization in teacher education.
5. What are the factors responsible for privatization of teacher education?
6. What are the advantages of privatization and limitations in privatization?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. (i) global perspective, multicultural world
(ii) economic output, market's need
(iii) technological
(iv) progressive approach, global capitalist
2. (i) True (ii) False (iii) True
17.12 Further Readings
1. The Principles and Practice of Educational Management: Tony Bush, Les Bell,
SAGE Publisher, 2002.
2. Educational Management : Strategy, Quality, and Resources, Margaret Preedy, Ron
Glatter, Publiser Open University Press, 1997.
3. Educational Management: Theory and Practice, J.A. Okumbe, Publisher Bairobi
University Press, 1998.