P. 204
Teacher Education
Notes The following components of the skill of explanation contribute to bearing on the quality of
• Using appropriate beginning and concluding statements: The teacher at the beginning
describes precisely what he is going to explain. This motivates the student to pay attention
to what he is going to learn. The concluding statements on the other hand, provide a
logical structure of whatever the teacher has explained.
• Using explaining links: For describing interrelationships among various aspects of a prccess
or an event, a teacher has to use some explaining linksjink words. These are generally
words and phrases that provide continuity in the statement. The use of link words make
explanations clear and coherent. Some of the commonly used link words are as under:
because though if .... then
in order to therefore the implication of
since the cause hencc the purpose of what
so this is how if
• Covering csscntial points: This refers to the critical features and important landmarks of
whatever the teacher is trying to communicate.
(vii) Avoiding undesirable behaviour: While explaining, the teacher has to avoid certain
behaviours which hinder understanding by the students. These behaviours are :
• irrelevant statements
• lack of continuity
• lack of fluency, and
• inappropriate vocabulary
Illustration with example: While lecturing, the teacher should describe concepts, principles,
theories, etc., with the help of examples, Effective illustration with examples, can make lectures
more communicative and meaningful. Various components of this skill are:
• Formulation of simple, interesting and relevant examples.
• Use of appropriate media for presenting examplcs.
• Use of appropriate approach for presenting examples. I in sum, it may be stated that there
are a number of skills that can improve teacher's talk and thcrcby the quality of lecture.
However, the most critical ones seem to be modulation of voice, skill of stimulus variation,
skill of explaining and skill of illustrating with examples.
Stimulus variation can be achieved through frequent variations in the style of
presentation of subject matter, media, interaction pattern, etc.
Common Defects of Lecture Method: Some common defects of the lecture method may be
classified under two categories : those which relate to the nature of the lecture method, and those
which make communication ineffective. The defects falling under the first category are as under:
• In lecture method the student's participation is the least. This often makes the teaching-
learning process dull and ineffective.
• Because of one-way communication, this method makes students mere passive listeners.
• It does not encourage students to become inquisitive and explorative. It makes them
dependent upon the teacher and his notes. In other words, lecture doesn't develop student's
capabilities of 'learning to learn'.
• This method doesn't provide a mechanism for the teacher to obtain feedback from students
on the effectiveness of his teaching.