P. 99
Unit 9: Agencies of Teacher Education and their Functions—NCERT
5. To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about childhood education, includin integrated Notes
9.5.2 Objectives of Teacher Education for the Secondary Stage
1. To possess competence to teach subjects of his specialisation on the basis of accepted principles
of learning and teaching in the context of the new school curriculum.
2. To develop skills, understanding, interests and attitudes which would enable him to foster all
round growth tand development of the children under his care.
3. To possess sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge of health and physsical education,
games and recreational activities and work-experience.
4. To develop skills in identifying, selecting, innovationg and organising learning experiences
for teaching the above-mentioned eneral and special subjects.
5. To develop understandings of psycholoical principles of growth and development, individual
difference and similarities, and cognitive, psycho-motor and attitudinal learnings.
9.5.3 Objectives of Teacher Education for the Higher Secondary and
Collegiate Stage
1. To develop competence to teach the subject of this specialization on the basis of accepted
principles of learning and teaching and knowledge of teh sub ject by string to keep in touch
with the latest development in both the subject and methodology of teaching.
2. To develop skills-cognitive and psychomotor for teaching academic and/or vocational subjects
by providin appropriate learnin experiences.
3. To develop an understanding of the aims and objectives of educaiton in general, and of higher
edcuation in particular in the Indian back-ground, to promote awareness of the role of education
and of the teacher in building up a democratic, secular and socialist society.
4. To develop skills in making use of educaitonal technology in teaching academic and/or
vocational subjects.
5. To understand the bio-psycho-ocial needs of the adolescent and the problems arising out of
their non-fulfilment; develop skills in uiding a nd counselling the adolescent n solving his
personal and academic problems.
Self Assessment
2. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False':
(i) The programmes and activities of the Department of Teacher Education and Extension (DTEE)
focus on researcgh development of materials, capacity building of teachers and teacher
(ii) One of the main objective of teacher education at primary level is to develop skills in iiding
and councelling the children in solvin their personal as well as academic problems.
(iii) Developing skills cognitive and psychomotor for teaching academic and/or vocational
subjects by rpoviding appropriate learning experience is the main objective of secondary
school teacher education.
9.6 Summary
• In the Third Five-Year Plan (1961-66) it was proposed to establish a training and research
centre at the national level which should be an autonomous body and work for the promotion
of research and training facilities in varied fields of educational activity.
• The major Constituent units of the NCERT which are located in different regions of the country
are the :
1. National Institute of Education (NIE), New Delhi
2. Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), New Delhi