P. 109
Unit 14: Identification: Causes, Problems of Mentally Retarted
The mentally retarded children have usually the following type problem- Notes
1. Physiological and mental development; problems.
2. Adjustment problems in home, school and society.
3. Emotional problems in family, school and society.
Generally the parent have high expectation from his child. Mentally retarded children are unable to
come to their expectations because they have in mental deficiency or low intelligence. The parents
get-disappointment from the clild. They begin to scold him. The child feel humiliate due to his
unabilities. More or less similar situation in the school and classroom. They can not pace with class
and teacher can not make them learn any thing through his normal teaching. The child wants to
avoid the classroom and become truant. Such children are deprived from the affection sympating of
their parents and their teacher. Thus the problem of adjustment areas in family, school and society.
There are three provisions remedial programme-
What are main problems of mentally retarded children?
Self Assessment
3. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:
(i) Mentally retarted children are unable to come to their expectations they have low intelligence.
(ii) Mentally retarded children have no psychological difficulties.
(iii) The child does not feel humiliation due to his unabilities.
(iv) The child does not want to avoid the classroom and become truant.
(v) The intelligence tests should be administered at the time of admission in the school.
14.4 Summary
• There are two most widely used intelligence tests are (i) Stanford Binet test (ii) Weschler
Intelligence scale for identification of mentally retarded children.
• Except it, Harison reading readiness profile, furred analysis of reading difficulty, Illinois test
of psycholinguistic abilities, Peabody picture vocabulary test (PPVT), auditory discrimination
test, verbal language development sale are other important tests for mentally related children
identification test.
• AAMD adaptive behavior scale, Vineland social maturity scale are some tests which are adapted
in our country.
• The causes of mental retardation are of two main types: (i) Hereditary-Endogenous factors (ii)
Environment-Exogenous factors.
• (i) Hereditary-Endogenous factors are of following types:
(a) Developmental defects, before birth, skill deformities.
(b) Metabolic defects-skin disease.
(c) Neuromotor defects - motor skills defects.
(d) Psychological disorder - Sensory's defects.
• (ii) Environmental - Exogenous Factors:
(a) Developments after birth.
(b) Anti measures used by mother in pregnancy.
(c) Post natal conditions.
(d) Process of growth and development.