P. 137
Unit 18: Learning Disabilities: Prevention and teaching strategies
4. Language Experience Teaching Notes
It has the following advantages and limitations details with LD children :
Advantage: (1) Motivates with personal stories. (2) Uses pupil’s oral language. (3) Can
incorporate specific skill development. (4) Can include language art skills. (5) Good for pupils
with good visual-motor abilities.
Limitations: (1) May be limited by pupils’ language level. (2) Lacks structured systematic
approach to skill development.
5. Programmed Instruction Teaching
It has the following advantages and limitations details with LD children :
Advantage: (1) Small, sequential steps. (2) Immediate feedback. (3) May be boring because of.
Limitations: (1) Lacks direct instruction. (2) May be confusing format constancy.
6. Multisensory Teaching
It has the following advantages and limitations details with LD children :
Advantage: (1) Uses more than one sensory input to get message to the brain. (2) Can use an
analystic approach or a synthetic approach.
Limitations: Lack of sequential skill development in some programmes. (2) Sensory overload
experienced by some pupils.
7. Rebus Picture Teaching
It has the following advantages and limitations details with LD children :
Advantage: (1) Use a rebus (picture) instead of a word to simplify initial stages of reading. (2)
Well structured materials. (3) Provides for transition to traditional print materials.
Limitations: Format appearing immature for older pupils.
Self Assessment
2. Fill in the blanks:
(i) ........................ is effective decoding technique for pupils with good auditory abilities.
(ii) Lack of depth of material necessary for skill mastery is the limitation of .................. .
(iii) ......................... controls irregular spelling in initial stages.
(iv) ......................... uses pupil’s oral language.
18.4 General Remedial Approach for LD Children
Mildly and moderately learning disabled pupil can function satisfactory in the regular classroom
with these adjustments. The regular classroom curriculum may require little modification. These are
some of the general techniques of remediation but a specific theoretical model should guide the
(1) Cognitive Processing Approach : The developmental approach emphasises sequential approach
for remediation. Test related approach identifies specific areas of deficiency which can be taught.
(2) Specialised Techniques Approach : The specialised techniques indicate that the teacher would
follow the prescribed order and fashion for a specified period of time. Hierachy of skills are to
be developed in the skill development approach using criterion referenced teaching. Published
materials can be used for remediation of learning disability.
(3) Behavioural Approach : The behavioural approach refers to behaviour modification approach
for manipulations of environmental conditions of learning. Apply reinforcement and change
behaviour. Psychotherapeutic approach should build feelings of success and establish a healthy
psychodynamic relationship between teacher and student. The major cause of reading failure
is dyspedagogia i.e., lack of good teaching. Inadequacy in the child’s teacher and the teacher
environment are the answer to remediation.