P. 14

Special Education

                   Notes          2.1 Objectives of Special Education

                                  1.   The team including yourself (the parent) will talk about child's strengths and weaknesses.
                                      Goals/objectives will reflect areas that a child needs assistance in.
                                  2.   Any classes taken with a special education teacher will have their own set of goals/objectives.
                                  3.   Behavior goals are generally for mild behavior problems. Students with serious behavior issues
                                      generally have a behavior intervention plan made up separately from an Individualized
                                      Education Plan.
                                  4.   Other goals may be added as necessary in terms of community participation, general education
                                      participation, self-help skills, etc.
                                  5.   Children with Occupational, Speech or Physical Therapy needs will have goals related to these
                                      areas as well.

                                           Depending on the age of your child, he or she may need transition goals from one school
                                           to the next.

                                  2.2 Individualized Education Programs
                                  An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement about the educational program
                                  for a child with a disability. It serves as a management tool used to ensure that the child receives the
                                  needed special education and related services. It also serves as an evaluation device when used to
                                  determine the extent of the child's progress toward accomplishing projected goals.
                                  Each IEP must include the following:
                                  •    a statement of the child's present levels of educational performance;
                                  •    a statement of annual goals, including short-term instructional objectives;
                                  •    a statement of the specific special education and related services to be provided;
                                  •    the extent that the child will be able to participate in regular educational programs;
                                  •    the projected dates for initiation of services and the anticipated duration of the services; and
                                  •    appropriate objective criteria and evaluation procedures and schedules for determining, on at
                                      least an annual basis, whether the objectives are being achieved.
                                  The IEP for each student, beginning no later than age 16 (and younger if appropriate) must include
                                  a statement of needed transition services.
                                  A meeting to develop an IEP must be held within 30 calendar days of the date eligibility for services
                                  is determined.
                                  An IEP must be in effect before special education and related services are provided to a child. The
                                  appropriate placement cannot be determined until after determination of the child's needs and the
                                  type of services to be provided. Since these determinations are made at an IEP meeting, the IEP must
                                  be developed before placement decisions are made.
                                  Self Assessment

                                  1. Fill in the blanks:
                                     (i) Behaviour goals are generally for mild .................... problems.
                                     (ii) An IEP for each student beginning no later than age ................ must include a statement of
                                        needed transition services.
                                    (iii) An individualized education programme is a written ................ about the educational
                                        programme for a child with disability.
                                    (iv) IEP is ....................... to ensure the child receives the need special education and related services.

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