P. 4

                                                     Special Education

             Objectives :
             To enable the learners to :
             (1) To acquaint the learner with the historical perspective of special education
             (2) To promote in the learner an extensive purview of the knowledge about all exceptionalities and comprehend their inter-
             (3) To enable the learner to understand the policies and legislation in special Education in India.

                     Sr. No.                                  Content

                        1      Special Education: Concept , Nature, Objectives, Need , Scope & Types
                        2      Physically challenged: definition, types, characteristics, Identification,
                               causes, problems of Physically challenged, Preventions and teaching

                        3      Visually impaired: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,

                               problems of Visually impaired, Prevention and teaching strategies
                        4      Speech and Hearing impaired: definition, types, characteristics,

                               Identification, causes, problems of Speech and Hearing impaired,
                               Preventions and teaching strategies

                        5      Mentally retarded: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                               problems of Mentally retarded, Preventions and teaching strategies

                        6      Learning disabilities: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                               problems of Learning disabilities, Prevention and teaching strategies

                        7      Gifted children: definition, types, characteristics, Identification, causes,
                               problems of Gifted children, teaching strategies
                        8      Backward and delinquent children: definition, types, characteristics,

                               Identification, causes, problems of Backward and delinquent children,
                               Preventions and teaching strategies

                        9      Policies and provisions: Constitutional Provisions for Group of Children
                               with special learning Needs, Disability Act 1995, IED scheme, Inclusive
                               education and Mainstreaming,

                        10      Apex Bodies on Special Education: RCI, NIMH, NIVH, NIOH,

                                Rehabilitation of exceptional children: role of peers, role of family, role
                                of community and role of government.
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