P. 149

History of English Literature

                     Notes         18.6  Summary

                                        The French Revolution (1789) fired him as it did a large number of young hearts through-
                                         out Europe, with new hopes of the deliverance of humanity from the shackles of age-old
                                        Keats built up his spiritual home in the romance-draped middle ages and the Greece of
                                         yore which he considered to be a land of ideal beauty.
                                        Byron shared very little of the true romantic melancholy. However, he was the most
                                         cynical and misanthropic of all the major romantic poets.

                                   18.7  Keywords

                                   Wordsworth     : Wordsworth was the least melancholy of all the romantic poets. It
                                                   was mainly due to the fact that he seldom felt himself to be in a state
                                                   of utter solitariness.
                                   Coleridge      : Coleridge went through the same vicissitudes of political feelings
                                                   as Wordsworth.

                                   18.8  Review Questions

                                      1. What is wordsworth ? Explain.
                                      2. What is Coleridge and Shelley?
                                      3. What is difference between Keats and Byron?
                                      4. Why were most romantic poets interested in the middle ages?

                                   Answers : Self Assessment

                                      1. typical romantic temper  2. Wordsworth’s         3. Melancholy
                                      4. Shelley                5. escapist

                                   18.9  Further Readings

                                      Books      A critical history of English Literature, IV Vol, 2nd ed. Ronald, New York,
                                                 1970: Daiches, David.
                                                 History of English Literature, Cambridge University press, London, 1968: Legouis
                                                 and Cazamian.
                                                 The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature, 3rd edition CUP, New
                                                 Delhi 2005: Sampson, George.

                                     Online links

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