P. 77

History of English Literature

                     Notes         Various devices were used to achieve a noble, pure and exalted diction, a diction proper for poetry
                                   meant for refined and cultured audiences. First, Periphrasis or Circumlocution or a roundabout
                                   way of saying things was widely used. In this way, efforts were made to avoid the vulgar, the
                                   archaic and the technical. Thus Pope uses ‘finny creatures’ for ‘fish’, ‘Velvet plain’ for a green table,
                                   ‘two-handed engine’ for a pair of scissors and so on. Secondly Latin words and Latin constructions
                                   were abundantly used to impart dignity and elevation. Thus Pope uses ‘Sol’ in place of the sun.
                                   Words are frequently used both by Dryden and Pope in their original Latin sense. Thirdly, Figures
                                   of Speech, more particularly Personifications and Hyperbole, were abundantly used to decorate
                                   the language and to impart to it force, dignity and effectiveness. An instance of personification and
                                   Hyperbole may be given from The Rape of the Lock:
                                                         And all Arabia breathes from yonder box
                                                           The Tortoise here and Elephant unite
                                                     Transformed to combs, the speckled and the white
                                   Another remarkable feature of Pope’s diction is his use of antithesis. This he uses it to produce the
                                   mock-heroic effect:
                                                         Or stain her honour, or her new brocade
                                                         Forget her prayers, or miss a masquerade
                                                          Or lose her heart, or necklace, at a ball.
                                   Effective, telling, vivid and pictorial images (similes and metaphors) are used by Pope with great
                                   frequency and abundance. There are frequent revisions and everything that is superfluous or inapt
                                   is carefully eschewed. In this way, the diction acquires not only clarity, elevation and perfection,
                                   but also epigrammatic terseness and condensation. There are more quotable lines in Pope than in
                                   any other English poet outside Shakespeare.
                                   Pope, in short, represents the best as well as the worst in the poetic diction of the 18th century. He
                                   is the clearest as well as the most correct of English poets, but there is also much in his diction that
                                   is unnatural and artificial. He bewitched and dazzled his age with his highly ornate and polished
                                   language and the various stylistic devices used by him were imitated throughout the century.
                                   Even the pre-romantics were unable to break free from his influence. Gray, Collins, Crabbe, Blake
                                   and Burns all show his influence. The substance of their poetry is much nobler, but their style
                                   continues to be stilted and artificial. Indeed, the full flowering of romanticism in their poetry is
                                   checked and retarded by the dead hand of the past. Circumlocution Personification, Latinism etc.,
                                   all continue to be used by them and their diction continues to be as artificial and unnatural as that
                                   of Pope and his imitators.
                                   It was against this innane and affected poetic diction that Wordsworth raised his powerful voice.
                                   Reacting against the artificiality of the poetic diction of Pope and the ‘Popians’, he maintained that
                                   the language of poetry should be a selection of language really used by men, and added that,
                                   “there is no essential difference between the language of prose and poetry.” However, his own
                                   practice shows that there is such an essential difference. Language is a matter of vocabulary, the
                                   choice and selection of words, as well as of their arrangement. Wordsworth follows his theory of
                                   poetic diction only in so far as the selection of words or vocabulary is concerned, and not always
                                   even in this respect. As far as the arrangement of words is concerned, he frequently uses inverted
                                   constructions. Poems like the Immortality Ode can by no stretch of imagination be regarded as
                                   having been written in the language of every day use. Moreover, as Coleridge was quick to point
                                   out, metre medicates the whole atmosphere, and exigencies of rhyme and metre determine the
                                   diction of a poet. Hence it is bound to be different from ordinary language. It should also be
                                   remembered that the end of poetry is to give aesthetic pleasure and the use of ornament is an
                                   element in that pleasure. Poetry is ‘musical speech’, and so the words used by a poet must be
                                   selected both with reference to their sense and their sound. Obviously, for all these reasons, we
                                   cannot agree with Wordsworth when he says that there is no essential difference between the
                                   language of poetry and the language of prose.

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