Page 4 - DENG404_FICTION
P. 4




                      •   To trace the evolution of prose fiction.
                      •   To discuss the major elements of prose fiction.
                      •   To explain the major thematic thrusts of the selected texts.
                      •   To develop the ability of the learners to think and write critically about fiction.

                     Sr. No.                                   Topics

                       1.      Henry Fielding –Joseph Andrews (non-detailed): Introduction to the Author

                               and to the text, Joseph Andrews: Detailed study of text

                       2.      Joseph Andrews: Picaresque Novel and its application on the prescribed text,
                               Characterization and Plot Construction, Comic epic in prose
                               Jane Austen – EMMA: Introduction to the Author and to the text, Detailed
                               study of text
                               Jane Austen ----EMMA: Plot Construction in detail, : Characterization, All
                               major and Minor themes
                       5.      Charles Dickens- Great Expectations(non-detailed): Introduction to the

                               Author and to the text, : Detailed study of text, Plot Construction in detail,
                               Characterization and Ending of the play, Style and themes

                               Aldous Huxley-Brave New World: Introduction to the Author and to the
                               text, Detailed study of text, Themes and Characterization
                       7.      D.H. Lawrence—Sons And Lovers: Introduction to the Author and to the

                               text, Detailed study of text, Themes and Characterization, Style and Plot

                       8.      William Golding—Lord Of The Flies: Introduction to the Author and to t he
                               text, Detailed study of text, Themes and Characterization,
                       9.      Virginia Woolf—Mrs. Dalloway: Introduction to the Author and to the text,

                               Detailed study of text, Themes and Characterization, Style
                       10.     Joseph Conrad-Heart Of Darkness: Introduction to the Author and to t he

                               text, Detailed study of the text, Themes
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