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P. 69
Unit 5: Joseph Andrews-IV: Detailed Study of the Text
lovers have lost the support of providence and their friends; as Goldberg points out, “even Notes
Adams rejoices at the prevention of their marriage.” Their predicament, which seems to be
growing more dire, is in truth progressively ameliorating, as the discovery of Fanny’s parentage
leads to the discovery of Joseph’s parentage, and both these discoveries ultimately contribute
to the happiness and prosperity of the lovers. This drastic reversal, which owes much to the
plots of such classical dramatists as Mr. Adams’s beloved Aeschylus, enhances the impact of
the lovers’ eventual bliss by making it seem fortuitous despite the fact that most readers will
have been confident of the happy outcome from the first news of Joseph’s marital aspirations.
5.3 Summary
• Fielding gives a record of the emotional turbulence Lady Booby has endured since the
departure of Joseph from London.
• Mr. Adams defends the couple, but Lady Booby takes offense at his emphasize on Fanny’s
beauty and orders Adams to cease publishing their banns.
• Joseph and Pamela have a tearful reunion, and Joseph recounts all the adventures he had
after leaving London.
• Dick reads the story of Leonard, a married man, and Paul, his unmarried friend.
• Joseph returns to Fanny’s room after she has dressed, and they vow that in case they
should turn out really to be siblings, they will both remain perpetually celibate.
• Mr. Booby invites everyone to accompany him and Pamela to their country home, since
Lady Booby is now too bitter over the loss of Joseph to entertain any company.
5.4 Keywords
Espouse : adopt or support (a way of life).
Ordeal : a prolonged painful or horrific experience.
Stoicism : stoical behaviour.
Savoury : salty or spicy.
5.5 Review Questions
1. Why Joseph arrive back in the parish?
2. Why Lady Booby endures further emotional turbulence?
3. Write about the episode in which Mr. Adams again counsels Joseph against passionate.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. London 2. Adams
3. Birthmark 4. Fanny goodwill