P. 358


                  Notes          This early form of transformational grammar shows the essential ideas behind Chomsky’s writing
                                 which are still best approached via Syntactic Structures.
                                 Components of a Transformational-Generative Grammar : Modified Theory
                                 In later versions such as Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965), Chomsky’s terminology and views
                                 changed. Kernels, PS component, morphonemic component, transformations no longer occur as
                                 such. The most notable difference is the inclusion of a totally new semantic component to deal with
                                 meaning. This is attached at deep structure level. The phrase structure component is modified and
                                 renamed the base component. And the morphonemic component is renamed the phonological
                                 component. So the revised model, as drawn by Lyons, will look like the following :

                                                     INITIAL           BASE          TRANSFORMATIONAL
                                                   ELEMENT     COMPONENT                   COMPONENT
                                                                  SEMANTIC        PHONOLOGICAL
                                                               COMPONENT             COMPONENT

                                                                MEANING             SOUND

                                 In Syntactic Structure, it was said that, although semantic considerations are not directly relevant to
                                 the syntactic description of sentences, there are ‘striking correspondences between the structures and
                                 elements that are discovered in formal, grammatical analysis and specific semantic functions’ and
                                 that, ‘having determined the syntactic structure of the language, we can study the way in which this
                                 syntactic structure is put to use in the actual functioning of the language’. But in the Aspects-types,
                                 he came to the conclusion that the meaning of sentences could, and should, be submitted to the same
                                 kind of precise, formal analysis as their syntactic structure, and that semantics should be included as
                                 an intergal part of the grammatical analysis of languages. The grammar of language is now seen by
                                 Chomsky as ‘a system of rules relating the meaning (or meanings) of each sentence it generates to the
                                 physical manifestation of the sentence in the medium of sound’ (Lyons : Chomsky : 1973 : 79).
                                 Whereas grammar in 1957 was Syntax + Morphophonemics, in 1965 it became Syntax + Phonology +
                                 Another important difference is the abolition of optional transformations. Negatives, questions and
                                 passives are no longer introduced optionally at the stage of the transformation component, but are
                                 partially incorporated into the base. Instead of generating a kernel only, the base component includes
                                 deep structure ‘notes’ on the various transformations to take place :

                                                                        V             NP
                                                     PROPN        AUX       MV     D     N


                                                       JOHN         PAST     OPEN    THE    DOOR

                                 When such a note (NEG/Q/Passive) exists, it is the transformational component which obligatorily
                                 converts the string into its surface structure realisation. Thus the difference between a declarative

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