P. 364
Real Analysis
Notes Proof: Since f is differentiable, f is continuous. Define g (x) = [f(x + 1/n) – f(x)]/(1/n) and use [108].
Now we will show that a monotone real function (increasing or decreasing) is continuous and
differentiable at most of the points.
Let –¥ a < b ¥ and let f: (a, b) be a monotone function. Then, Y = {x (a, b) : f is
discontinuous at x} is a countable set (possibly empty).
Proof: Suppose f is increasing. If x Y, then necessarily f(x–) < f(x+), and we may choose a rational
number between f(x–) and f(x+). This gives a one-one map from Y to Q.
Definition: A collection of non-degenerate intervals is a Vitali cover for a set X if for each
> 0, the subcollection {I : 0 < |I| < } is also a cover for X.
[Vitali’s covering lemma] Let X be such that m * L,1 [X] < ¥ and let be a collection of intervals
forming a Vitali cover for X. Then,
(i) There are countably many pairwise disjoint intervals I, I ,… such that m * [X\U I ] = 0.
1 2 L,1 n n
(ii) For every > 0, there exist finitely many pairwise disjoint intervals I ,…,I with the
property that m * L,1 [X\ k n 1 n
I ] < .
Proof: Write µ* = m L,1 for simplicity.
(i) With out loss of generality assume that every I is a (non-degenerate) closed interval.
Choose an open set U such that X U and µ*[U] < ¥. Every x X has a neighbourhood
contained in U. Hence = {I : I U} is also a vitali cover for X. We will choose the
intervals I inductively. Let = sup{|J|: J } (note that < µ*[U] < ¥) and let I be
n 0 0 1
any interval with |I | > /2. Suppose that we have chosen pairwise disjoint intervals
1 0
I ,…,I . If X n I , then we are done. Else, any x X\ n I is at a positive distance
1 n i 1 i i 1 i
from the closed set n I . Let = sup{| J|: J and I J = Ø for 1 i n}. Then 0 <
i 1 i n i n
µ*[U] < ¥. Let I be an interval with |I | > /2. We will show that the sequence (I )
n + 1 n+1 n n
does the job.
Observation: For every J , there is n such that I J Ø (|I | µ*[U] < ¥ so that
n n
(|I |) 0, and hence there is n such that |I | < | J|/2).
n n
Let Y = X\ ¥ I and > 0. We claim that µ*[Y] < . Let c be the midpoint of I and let Y be
n 1 n n n n
the closed interval with midpoint c and |Y | = 6|I | (this Y may not be in ). Let k be so
n n n n
I .
that å ¥ n k 1 |I | < /6. If x Y, then in particular x does not belong to the closed set k n 1 n
Choose J with x J and I J = Ø for 1 n k. By our observation above, I J Ø for some
n m
m k + 1. Let m be the smallest such number. Then |J| < 2|I | and hence |x – c | |J| +
m–1 m m
|I | 3|I |. Therefore, x Y . We have shown that Y ¥ Y . Since å ¥ |Y | 6 å ¥
m m m n k 1 n n k 1 n n k 1
|I | < , we have proved that µ*[Y] < .
Now, note that the argument given above actually shows that for every > 0, there is k such
that µ* [X\ k I ] < . Hence we have established (ii) also.
n 1 n
When a mathematical problem is difficult, it is a good idea to divide the problem into many
subcases and to treat each case separately. If f : (a, b) is a function, then the four Dini
derivatives of f at a point x (a, b) are defined as follows.
f(x h) f(x)
D f(x) = limsup [upper right derivative]
h 0+ h
f(x h) f(x)
D f(x) = lim inf [lower right derivative]
h + h