P. 31

Abstract Algebra

                    Notes          Conversely, if we are given a table, we can define a binary operation on S. For example, we can
                                   define the operation * on S = {1, 2, 3} by the following table.

                                            *                  1                  2                  3
                                            1                  1                  2                  3
                                            2                  3                  1                  2
                                            3                  2                  3                  1

                                   From this table we see that, for instance, 1 * 2 = 2 and 2 * 3 = 2.

                                   Now 2 * 1 = 3 and 1 * 2 = 2. 2 * 1  1 * 2. That is, * is not commutative.
                                   Again, (2 * 1) * 3 = 3 * 3 = 1 and 2 * (1 * 3) = 2

                                         (2 * 1) * 3  2 * (1 * 3).    , * is not associative.
                                   See how much information a mere table can give !

                                   Now consider the following definition.
                                   Definition: Let * be a binary operation on a non-empty set S and let a,, . . . . . .,a ,  S. We define
                                   the product a, * . ... .. * a , as follows:
                                   If k = 1, a, * a  is a well defined element in S.
                                   If a  * ..... * a, is defined, then
                                   a, * .... . . * a  = (a, * . ..... * a,) * a k+1
                                   We use this definition in the following result.

                                   Theorem 2: Let a,, ...... ,a m+n  be elements in a set S with an associative binary operation *. Then
                                   (a, * ..,...* a,) * (a,,, * ...... * a m+n ) = a  * ...... * a m+n .
                                   Proof: We use induction on n. That is, we will show that the statement is true for n = 1. Then,
                                   assuming that it is true for n – 1, we will prove it for n.
                                   If n = 1, our definition above gives us
                                   (a, .......* a,) * a,,, = a, *...... * a m+1 .

                                   Now, assume that
                                   (a, *.......* a,) * (a,,, ........ a m+n–1 ) = a, * ....... a,,,,
                                   (a, * ......... * a) * (a,,, .......... a)

                                   = (a  *.........* a,) * ((a m+1  * ..... * a m+n–1 ) * a m+n )
                                   = ( (a, *......* a,,) * (a,,, *......* a,,,) ) * a, since * is associative
                                   = (a ......... a m+n–1 ) * a m+n  by induction
                                   = a, * ....... a, by definition.
                                   Hence, the result holds for all n.

                                   We will use Theorem 2 quite often in this course, without explicitly referring to it.
                                   Now that we have discussed binary operations let us talk about groups.

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