P. 40

Linear Algebra

                    Notes          Commutative Property:  The composition is commutative because  the elements equidistant
                                   from principal diagonal are equal each to each.
                                   The set G has 6 elements. Hence (G, X ) is a finite abelian group of order 6.
                                   Self Assessment

                                   7.  Show that the set {1, 2, 3, 4} does not form a group under ‘addition modulo 5’, but it forms
                                       a group under ‘multiplication modulo 5’.
                                   8.  Prove that the set {0, 1, 2, 3} is a finite abelian group of order 4 under addition modulo 4 as

                                   1.3 Rings

                                   The concept of a group has its origin in the set of mappings or permutations, of a set onto itself.
                                   So far we have considered sets with one binary operation only. But rings are the outcome of the
                                   motivation which arises from the fact that integers follow a definite pattern with respect to the
                                   addition and multiplication. Thus we now aim at studying rings which are algebraic systems with
                                   two suitably restricted and related binary operations.
                                   Definition: An algebraic structure (R, +,.) where R is a non-empty set and + and . are two defined
                                   operations in R, is called a ring if for all a, b, c in R, the following axioms are satisfied:
                                   R  . (R, +) is an abelian group, i.e.,
                                   (R ) a + b   R                                         (closure law for addition)
                                   (R ) (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)                      (associative law for addition)
                                   (R ) R has an identity, to be denoted by O, with respect to addition,
                                   i.e., a + 0 = a   a  R                             (Existence of additive identity)
                                   (R ) There exists an additive inverse for every element in R, i.e., there exists an element –a in R
                                   such that
                                   a + (–a) = 0   a  R                                (Existence of additive inverse)
                                   (R ) a + b = b + a                                (Commutative law for addition)
                                   R  (R, .) is a semigroup, i.e.,
                                   (R ) a . b   R                                    (Closure law for multiplication)
                                   (R ) (a . b) . c = a . (b . c)                 (associative law for multiplication)
                                   R  Multiplication is left as well as right distributive over addition, i.e.,
                                              a . (b + c) = a . b + a . c
                                   and        (b + c) . a = b . a + c . a

                                   Elementary Properties of a Ring

                                   Theorem 10: If R is a ring, then for all a, b   R.
                                   (a)  a . 0 = 0 . a = 0
                                   (b)  a (–b) = (–a) b = – (ab)

                                   (c)  (–a) (–b) = ab

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