P. 4


             Objectives: For some time now, topology has been firmly established as one of basic disciplines of pure mathematics. It's ideas
             and methods have transformed large parts of geometry and analysis almost beyond recognition. In this course we will study
             not only introduce to new concept and the theorem but also put into old ones like continuous functions. Its influence is evident
             in  almost every  other branch of mathematics.In  this course  we study  an axiomatic  development of  point set topology,
             connectivity, compactness, separability, metrizability and function spaces.

                 Sr. No.                                      Content

                    1      Topological Spaces, Basis for Topology, The order Topology, The Product

                           Topology on X * Y, The Subspace Topology.

                    2      Closed Sets and Limit Points, Continuous Functions, The Product Topology,
                           The Metric Topology, The Quotient Topology.

                    3      Connected Spaces, Connected Subspaces of Real Line, Components and Local

                    4      Compact Spaces, Compact Subspaces of Real Line, Limit Point Compactness,

                           Local Compactness
                    5      The Count ability Axioms, The Separation Axioms, Normal Spaces, Regular

                           Spaces, Completely Regular Spaces

                    6      The Urysohn Lemma, The Urysohn Metrization Theorem, The Tietze Extension
                           Theorem, The Tychonoff Theorem

                    7      The Stone-Cech Compactification, Local Finiteness, Paracompactness
                    8      The Nagata-Smirnov Metrization Theorem, The Smirnov Metrization Theorem

                    9      Complete Metric Spaces, Compactness in Metric Spaces, Pointwise and

                           Compact Convergence, Ascoli’s Theorem
                   10      Baire Spaces, Introduction to Dimension Theory
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