P. 102

Sociology of Kinship

                          Notes         8.  Security of Professional Knowledge: There is a traditional profession of every caste. En-
                                           dogamy was also encouraged due to wish of keeping the professional knowledge secret.
                                       Besides above reasons, strictly following of rules of endogamy had been considerably increased
                                       further due to personal attachment towards his own caste, fear of ousting from the caste and
                                       strictness of caste panchayat and village panchayat regarding caste rules etc. Due to these rule of
                                       endogamy, on one hand some benefits were provided to the Hindu Society whereas some losses
                                       also occurred on other hand. Due to this the region of contact of the people became limited, nar-
                                       row mindedness has revived, mutual hatred, blame and bitterness had increased, the sentiment
                                       of regionalism is also developed, nepotism increased, professional knowledge got limited in a
                                       group. Due to all these reasons the progress of Indian society was hindered, but in modern time
                                       due to development of urbanization, industrialization, means of transport and communication
                                       and establishment of solitary families, the rules of endogamy is becoming fainted. The constitu-
                                       tion regarding marriage has also acknowledged the inter-class and inter-caste marriages. Even
                                       though, the moral strength and social prohibition is so dominating that the rules of endogamy
                                       cannot be totally renounced.

                                                   In the view to control the selection of life-mates, Hindu religious scripts had
                                                  ascertained some rules about endogamy and exogamy to regulate the Hindu

                                       II.  Exogamy
                                       Exogamy means that a person has to marry out of the group that he belongs to. Reverse writes,
                                       “From exogamy that exchange is percepted, in which it is necessary for a member of one so-
                                       cial group to search a life-mate in any other social group”. In Hindus according to the rules of
                                       exogamy a person should marry out of his family, gotra, pravar, pind and caste. In tribes, it is
                                       prohibited for mutual marriage among the people belonging to one totem. The rules regarding
                                       gotra, pravar and pind were always indefinite. In this reference Prabhu has written, “From the
                                       time of its origin to every era, the real meaning and conception of the three words ‘gotra’, ‘pra-
                                       var’, and ‘pind’ has been so widely changed and modified regarding the rules of exogamy that
                                       to say anything about its fundamental meaning  became impossible”. Here we will discuss in
                                       brief about the forms of exogamy popular among Hindus —

                                       A.  Gotra Exogamy
                                       In Hindus, marriage in a same gotra is prohibited. The general meaning of gotra is a group of
                                       that people who are produced from one ancestral sage. According to “Satyasharh Hiranyakeshi
                                       Srotsutra”, the progenies of the eight sages i.e. Vishwamitra, Jamadgani, Bhardwaj, Gautam,
                                       Atri, Vashishtha, Kashyap and Agastya are called with the name of gotra. In Chhandogya
                                       Upnishad, the word ‘gotra’ is used as in the meaning of family. The word ‘gotra’ has three or
                                       four meanings; gaushala, group of cows, fort and mountain etc. In this way, people living on a
                                       place or region are prohibited to marry among themselves. The literal meaning of gotra is Gau
                                       + tra means the place where cows are tied, means stockade or the group who serves cows. The
                                       people whose cows are tied on a place, a moral relation were established among themselves
                                       and probably they may also have blood relations. Thus they do not marry among themselves.
                                       Vigyaneshwar had said explaining the meaning of gotra, that the name famous in dynasty
                                       tradition is called gotra. In this way, marrying by the members of a gotra to a member of some
                                       other gotra is called Gotra Exogamy.

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