P. 157
Unit 21: Forms and Functions of Family
primative slogan such as hunting, animal rearing and farming. Constructive work was Notes
done by the family in earlier industry. Even today, the society having underdeveloped and
incomplete industry. This construction work is done by men, women and children of the
same family. Hence, we can say that family is a co-operative productive unit.
(c) Division of Labour: The simplest form of division of labour can be seen in a family where
work is distributed among man, woman and children. Sex and age both are the basis of di-
vision of labour/work in the family. Women do domestic jobs while men work outside and
children perform small tasks. Heavy labour jobs done by men. Labour division in family
members is a significant important factor for economic support.
(d) Management of Income and Property: We have already mentioned while discussing char-
acteristics of the family that every family has some source of income to feed its members. It
gets income from that particular source. Family’s economic status is judged by its income.
Head of the family decides how the family will spend its income. Every family has land,
Jwellary tools, cash, gold, cattle, shop etc. as moveable and immoveable asset, which is
maintained by the family itself.
(IV) Religious Functions
Every family follows some religion. Family members are also given knowledge about religion,
customs, moral, fact and festivals etc. by family. A person learns to perform worship of prayer
of God, ancestors worship etc. from families members only. A person also adopts the concepts
of vicas is virtues, hell and heaven, violence and non-violence from family.
(V) Political Functions
Family does politics also. In the Tribal and simple societies where ruler or the head of the Tribe
consults with the heads of families, family plays an important political role. Head is the ruler of
the Indian joint families. He is the judge and jury of the family in resolving family disputes and
deliver justice. He leads about relationship of the family with other families. He represents the
family in village and community meetings.
(VI) Function of Socialisation
Socialisation of a child starts in the family. A living being transforms into social being through
the process of socialisation. He learns customs, rituals, tradition and culture of the family and
society. Gradually a child becomes a functional unit of society. Family transfers the culture of
society generation by generation. Knowledge is gathered, conserved and increased in family.
(VII) Educational Functions
Family is the first school of a child where his personalties is grown. Familiar teachings/preach-
ings remain in heart for life. Biographies of great persons prove that their families played a
significant role in creating their personality.
In the ancient age when there were no educational institutes, family was the only institution for
education. A child learns the lesson of compassion, have affection, sacrifice, sympathy, obedi-
ence, etc., in the family itself.
(VIII) Psychological Functions
Family provides mental security and contentment to its members. Family members love and
sympathize with each-other. A child becomes confident by this. Children who did not use privi-
leged to get love and affection of parents become personaly of criminal and distractive nature.