P. 31

Unit  4: Approaches to the Study of Kinship: Historical and Evolutionary

                  Importance of Historical Method                                                     Notes
                  The importance of historical method is unanimous for the study of the incidents happened in
                  past. M.H. Gopal writes, “If any social researcher ignores the past while analysing present,
                  takes a big risk.” History informs us about the society of past which can not be ignored by any
                  social scientist. Many sociologists have used historical method in their study. A new branch of
                  historical sociology has emerged in sociology because of the closeness of both sciences. Howard
                  also calls history as “sociology of past and sociology as history of present.” John Medge has
                  also written, “It is not wise to eliminate historians from the class of sociologists and only foolish
                  sociologists do not use documents.”
                  The importance and utility of historical method are as under—
                   1.  Study of Developing Events: We can learn about emergence, development and the condi-
                     tions of emergence of some specific event or institution by historical method. We can under-
                     stand the present better only through the past. Whitehead writes — “Every characteristic
                     emerging in present has a past and carries the seed of future.”
                      Past is a collection of experiences through which we can understand the present better. This
                     is the best method to study the changes in the developing events. This method is very use-
                     ful to understand the emergence, changes and development of societies, civilisations and
                   2.  Study of Socio-cultural Changes: We can easily understand the process of socio-cultural
                     changes by historical method. Social scientists are keen to learn about changes. When the
                     changes occur in social institutions and conditions then the social structure and organisa-
                     tions also face changes due to its effects. Study of this process of change is possible through
                     historical method only.
                   3.  Assessment  of the Effects  of Past:  We can  assess  the importance  of  past effects  on the
                     society through historical method. No society is free from the impact of past, but the study
                     of traditional societies and societies with ancient culture will remain incomplete untill the
                     impact of past on them is not assesed. The society which has a long history also has intense
                     impact of past on itself, which can be studied by historical method only.
                   4.  Comprehensiveness Sociological Point of View: The other methods of sociology minutely
                     study the events dividing it into different small units, while historical method looks at the
                     social events in totality. Hence this method makes the sociological point of view compre-
                     hensive. Microscopic studies can be done by this.
                   5.  Study of Social Forces: We can study those social forces which have contributed in creat-
                     ing the present social system, by historical method. We can only understand the secrets of
                     present by studying the past. English philosopher Bernard Shaw writes, “Past is not behind
                     the group but it exists in the group. Though present is different from the past but it is the
                     past that has formed the present and this past and present will surely impact the future.”
                     Hence the impact and gradual development of social forces which have created the present
                     system can be studied successfully by historical method.

                  Limitations of Historical Method

                  Historical method is useful and important method of study but it has some limitation also and
                  they applicable in the context of kinship. These are as under—
                   1.  Lack of Reliable Material: The biggest limitation of historical method is that how to check
                     the reliability and authenticity of the sources by which data is collected. Most of the histori-
                     cal description are exagerated and biased.
                   2.  Defective Way of Record Keeping: In this method, one more difficulty is that the record of
                     historical facts are not kept in arranged manner.

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