P. 135
Unit-17: Limitations of Survey
from the above description it is clear that social survey is a process of compilation and analysis of notes
inter-dependent facts of any aspect, subject or problem related to any social life that is based on certain
scientific principles and assumptions and is useful for finding out results.
17.1 Definitions of Social Survey
In relation to the definition of social survey there is difference in the view point of scholars. some
scholars have described social survey as (a). A study of the general social phenomena, while other
scholars have (b). A study related to finding solution to pathological problems and social reform, while
some other scholars have described social survey as (c). A scientific technique. Therefore, it would be
suitable to analyse the definition of social survey based on above three aspects.
(a) Social Survey as a Study of General Social Phenomena—The scholars under the first category
emphasize on this fact in their definition that Social Survey is a study of General Social Phenomena.
In the words of Wells, “Normally social survey can be defined as the study of activities and social
institutions related to any human group living in an area.”
Notes According to Hsin Pao yang, “social survey is usually an inspection of the design,
activities and the state of living of the member of a particular group.”
(b) Social Survey as a Study of Pathological Problems and Social Reform—the scholars under the
second category emphasize on this fact that social survey is carried out with an objective of finding
solutions for social problems and doing social reforms. In this sense the fulfilment of two objectives
that is studying the society and its problems and doing social reforms by finding solutions to social
problems is social survey. P.V. Young has clearly written that, “social survey (1). Is the formulation of
any functional plan for social reform and (2).Is related to finding reforms for the immediate or popular
pathological state of social importance that is bound in certain geographical boundaries and certain
social outcomes; (3).These states may be measured and compared with any such condition that may
be acceptable in an idol form.” in this sense the study of pathological problems and formulation of
functional plan for social reforms through scientific technique for a definite human group or society
living in a particular area is social survey.
According to Burgess, “The survey of a society is the scientific study of the need and state of a society
that is aimed with an objective of presenting formative projects for social development.
(c) Social Survey as a Scientific Method—those scholars come under this grade that induces social
survey in the form of scientific methods. For example, Morse says “Briefly: Social Survey is only a
method to collect any special social condition or problem or arranged and scientific form of census
for some defined purposes. “
We simply have the feeling of general definition of social survey by studying all definitions presented
by the scholars of the following three grades. We can say that social survey is that scientific method
through which reliable data related to any social phenomenon or corporate life of a particular
geographical area can be collected so that study of actuality of phenomena, and result can be made
and if that phenomenon is complainable then contribution towards social–reform could be made by
making important programme toward its solution.
17.2 Types of Social Survey
Different-different scholars describe in their own way different types of social surveys on the basis
of subject-matter, nature, time and purpose.for example, Wells describes two types of social survey-
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