P. 7

Sukanya Das, Lovely Professional University  Unit-1: Elements of Scientific Methods and Various Steps in Social Research

                Unit-1: Elements of Scientific Methods and Various Steps                                   notes

                                           in Social Research


                    1.1   Meaning of science
                    1.2   Main elements (Characteristics) of science

                    1.3   Meaning of Scientific Method
                    1.4   Characteristics of Scientific Method
                    1.5   Major steps in social research
                    1.6   summary

                    1.7   Keywords
                    1.8   review Questions
                    1.9   further readings


                After studying this unit students will be able to:
                      y  The meaning of scientific method and information on its main elements and on features.
                      y  Different steps of social research and its information.


                Science in itself is not a subject but an object which has been obtained through scientific methods.
                Scientific methods are used in Natural Sciences, similarly in Social Sciences too, these are used to
                understand social incidents. therefore, it is very important for any subject matter or material to
                make it a science that how the matter is obtained. If scientific methods are used to understand social
                happenings then it will be called a science. stuart Chase has written that science is related to methods
                and not with subject matter. the same thing is expressed by Professor Green that the meaning of
                science is taken by the methods it is researched. This is clear that any subject where scientific methods
                is used is science whether it is science , Natural science or social sciences . Here it is important to
                understand the meaning of science to know what is Scientific methods.

                1.1   Meaning of science

                Generally science is understood to be subject Matter. subjects such as Chemistry, Physics , Biology,
                Botany etc. are considered sciences only. subjects which study social facts and happenings, social

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