P. 15

Commercial Law

                    Notes              meaning of the agreement can be made certain by the circumstance and in that case, the
                                       agreement can be treated as a valid contract. According to Section 29 of the Contract Act
                                       says that Agreements, the meaning of which is not certain or capable of being made certain,
                                       are void.
                                   9.   Possibility of performance: As per section 56, if the act is impossible of performance,
                                       physically or legally, the agreement cannot be enforced by law. There must be possibility of
                                       performance of the agreement. Impossible agreements like one claims to run at a speed of
                                       1000km/hour or Jump to a height of 100 feet, would not create a valid agreement. All such
                                       acts which are impossible of performance would not create a valid contract and cannot
                                       treated as a valid contract. In essence, there must be possibility of performance must be
                                       there to create a valid contract.
                                   10.   Legal formalities: The contract act does not insist that the agreement must be in writing, it
                                       could be oral. But, in some cases the laws strictly insist that the agreement must be in writing
                                       like agreement to sell immovable property must be in writing and should be registered
                                       under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. These agreement are valid only when they fulfi ll
                                       the formalities like writing, registration, signing by the both the parties are completed. If
                                       these legal formalities are not completed, it cannot be treated as a valid contract.
                                   These elements should be present in a contract to make it a valid contract. If any one of them is
                                   missing we cannot treat that agreement as a valid contract.

                                     Case Study    Robinson Contract

                                           obinson, a college football player, signed a contract on December 2 with the Detroit
                                           Lions, a pro football club. The contract was a standard form that contained a clause
                                     Rstating, “This agreement shall become valid and binding upon each party only when
                                     and if it shall be approved by the League Commissioner.” In late December, Robinson
                                     informed the Detroit Lions that he would not be playing for them because he had signed
                                     on with the Dallas Cowboys. On January 12  Commissioner approved the contract. Detroit
                                     then sued Robinson for breach of contract.
                                     Was there ever a contract between Robinson and the Detroit Lions? Why or why not?
                                     Answer:  When Robinson signed the contract it was subject to the approval of the
                                     Commissioner. This was an express condition precedent and by Robinson signing, he has an
                                     implied good faith effort to allow the Commissioner the opportunity to accept. Robinson’s
                                     power of revocation was temporarily suspended while he was waiting to be approved by the
                                     Commissioner. His later revocation is considered a antipatory repudiation. Subsequently,
                                     when the Commissioner approved the contract, it was binding and Robinson’s repudiation
                                     can be considered a material breach by the Detroit Lions.

                                   1.5 Distinction between Void Agreement and Voidable Contract

                                   The following points of distinction are worth noting:
                                   1.   Legality. A void agreement is without any legal effect and hence cannot be enforced by
                                       either party. A voidable contract, on the other hand, can be enforced by the party at whose
                                       option it is voidable.

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