P. 34
Unit 2: Offer and Acceptance
12. On the 5th of a month A makes an offer to B, by a letter which reaches B on the 6th. On the Notes
7th B posts his letter of acceptance. Meanwhile, on the 6th A posts a letter to B revoking
the offer. On seeing it B sends a telegram to A on the 8th confirming the acceptance given
through his letter of the 7th. Discuss the legal effects of the three letters and the telegram.
[Hint: The contract is concluded between A and B on 7th when B posts the letter of
acceptance. It is assumed that the letter of A revoking offer reaches B after B has posted the
letter of acceptance. The telegram only confirms acceptance already given (Secs. 4 and 5).]
13. A offers, by a letter, to sell a certain article to B who receives the letter the next day.
B immediately posts his letter of acceptance. The same evening A posts a letter revoking
the offer. A’s letter of revocation and B’s letter of acceptance cross ing the post. Is there a
contract between A and B?
[Hint: Yes (Secs. 4 and 5)]
Answers: Self Assessment
1. implied 2. prospective shareholder 3. Acceptance
4. decline 5. claim 6. payment of money
7. non-gratuitous
2.12 Further Readings
Books G. Vijayaragavan Iyengar (2007), Introduction to Banking, Excel Books, New Delhi,
S .S Gulshan, Business Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.
S.S Gulshan, Mercantile Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.
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