P. 92
Unit 8: Contract of Guarantee
3. What is a ‘continuing guarantee’? When can it be revoked? Notes
4. Describe the rights of a surety against (i) co-sureties and (ii) the creditor.
5. Explain the circumstances under which a surety may be discharged from the liability by
the conduct of the creditor.
6. S guaranteed C against the misconduct of P in an office to which P is appointed by C and
of which the duties defined by an Act of the Legislature. By a subsequent Act, the nature
of the office is materially altered. Afterwards misconducts himself in respect of a duty not
affected by the latter Act. Is S liable as a surety?
7. Roshan contracted to buy from Rahul 100 bales of cotton at ` 5,000 per bale for the March,
1991 delivery. The perlormance of this contract by Rahul was guaranteed by santosh. Soon
after Roshan contracted to sell to Rahul 10 bales of cotton of the same kind at ` 6,000 per
bale, for the same delivery. Is Santosh discharged from his guarantee?
8. Ram stands as a surety for the good conduct of Ravi who is employed by a bank on a
monthly salary of ` 1,600. Three months after when the financial position of the bank
deteriorates, Ravi agrees to accept a monthly salary of ` 1,500, Two months after, it is
discovered that Ravi has been misappropriating cash all through . What is the liability of
Answers: Self Assessment
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True
5. True 6. True
8.9 Further Readings
Books G. Vijayaragavan Iyengar (2007), Introduction to Banking, Excel Books, New Delhi,
M.C.Kuchhal, “Business Law”, Vikas Publishing House.
N.D.Kapoor, “Elements of Mercantile Law”, Sultan Chand & Sons.
S.S. Gulshan, Business Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.
S.S. Gulshan, Mercantile Law, Third Edition, 2006, Excel Books, New Delhi.
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