P. 12

Unit 1: Introduction to Macro Economics

               Supply-side Policies: designed to make markets work more efficiently.            Notes
               Direct controls or regulation of particular markets.

             Caselet     Crippling Infrastructure in India

                   rippling infrastructure shortages are the leading constraint to  rapid growth as
                   well as in spreading this growth more widely. These shortages have resulted in a
             Cskewed pattern of growth that is not sustainable.
             While the high skill services sector that employs the better educated among India's work
             force has flourished, the growth of more labor-intensive manufacturing that  generates
             jobs for low and semi-skilled workers has remained constrained.
             Infrastructure  shortages have  particularly  hindered  the  growth  of export  oriented
             manufacturing and value-added agriculture that integrate into global supply chains, and
             need good roads, ports, airports, and railways as well as  reliable power and water to
                 India needs to invest 3-4% more of its GDP on infrastructure to sustain 8% growth.

                 The private sector can play an important role in investing in infrastructure, including
                 through public private partnerships.
                 Improving the country's capacity to implement infrastructure projects will be  as
                 important as increasing the amount of investment available.
                 Investments should improve the delivery of services, and service providers need to
                 be made more accountable to consumers.
                 Emphasis should be placed on maintaining existing assets.
                 Reforms need to be accelerated in all sectors. Difficult issues such as rationalizing
                 user fees for services need to be faced.

          1.3.2  Instruments of Macro Economic Policy

          The main instruments of Macro Economic policy are:
          Monetary Policy

          Monetary policy is one of the tools that a national government uses to influence its economy.
          Using its monetary authority to control the supply and  availability of money, a government
          attempts to influence the overall level of economic activity in line with its political objectives.
          Usually this goal is "Macro Economic stability" - low unemployment, low inflation, economic
          growth, and a balance of external payments.

             Did u know?  Monetary policy is usually administered by a government appointed "Central
             Bank", the Reserve Bank of India and the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.

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