P. 16

Unit 1: Introduction to Operations Research

                                  SV = Sales Volume                                             Notes
                                  VC = Variable Cost.
                         The break-even point occurs when
                                 TSR = TC or (SV) (PU) = TFC + SV (VC)

                         Hence, the volume (BEP) is determined by
                                 BEP =         – VC represents the contribution to fixed cost.
                                       SP VC
                    (ii)  Probabilistic Models: The risk involved and the state of uncertainty are covered
                         by  these  models.  The decision  variables  take  the  form  of  a  probability
                         distribution and can assume more than single values. In the presence of risk
                         and uncertainty,  these models tend to  yield different  answers every time
                         when attempted to. For example, uncertainty over acquisition of raw material
                         to execute customer  orders during  a certain  period. The  purchaser has to
                         consider  both the  sale and  the delivery  timing  of  the orders  as they  are
                         variables. A probability distribution can be developed for the instant period
                         for both sales delivery timings. However, the optimum selection is adhered
                         to in accordance with the demand of the situation.
          (3)  Combined Analogue and Mathematical Models: When analogue models are interpreted
               with the use of mathematical symbols, they can be termed as physical-symbolic models.
               For instance, decision-makers tend to use mathematical symbols to represent their sales
               or profit figures.
          (4)  Function Models: Models which are used to represent a group of functions performed, are
               called function models.

                 Example: A monthly plan of processes to be carried on, a list of layouts, a calendar of
          events are the common examples of a functional model.
          (5)  Heuristic Models:  When intuition  guides a problem-solver to find solutions, heuristic
               models are developed. Even though he would not be able to find an optimum solution to
               the problem,  with his past experience he arrives at the  most advantageous  solution.
               However, it depends on how intuitive and creative the decision-maker is.

             Caution   Models do  not, and cannot represent  every aspect  of reality  because  of  the
             innumerable and changing characteristics of the  real-life problems  to be  represented.
             Instead, a model is the simplified representation or abstraction of reality.

              Task  Give real world examples of following OR models:
             1.  Analogue models
             2.  Symbolic models

             3.  Probabilistic model
             4.  Deterministic model

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