P. 6

Neha Tikoo, Lovely Professional University                       Unit 1: Introduction to Operations Research

                    Unit 1: Introduction to Operations Research                                 Notes


            1.1  Meaning of Operations Research
            1.2  Significance of Operations Research
            1.3  Scope of Operations Research

            1.4  History of Operations Research
            1.5  Applications of Operations Research
            1.6  Models of Operations Research
            1.7  Summary
            1.8  Keywords

            1.9  Review Questions
            1.10 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:

              Understand the meaning of Operations research
              Know about the history of operations research
              Discuss the scope and application of operations research
              Explain the various types of models used in operations research


          Operations Research  has gained wider acclaim in the modern complex  business world.  For
          every complex problem of an industry today, well defined Operations Research tools are the
          solace. Decision making in today’s social and business environment has become a complex task.
          Well structured problems are routinely optimized at the operational level of organizations, and
          increased attention is now focused on broader tactical and strategic issues. To effectively address
          this problems and provide leadership in the advancing  global age,  decision makers  cannot
          afforded to make  decisions by simply applying their personal  experiences, guesswork’s or
          intuitions,  because  consequences  of  wrong  decisions  are  serious  and  costly.  Hence,  an
          understanding of  the applicability  of the  quantitative methods  to  decision  making  is  of
          fundamental importance to decision makers. Operations research is one such tool that helps in
          comparison of every possible alternative (course of action)  to know the potential outcomes,
          permits examination of the sensitivity of the solution to changes or errors.
          This unit introduces the basics of operation research to help students to get an overview  of
          operations research and thereby help in better understanding of the subsequent units.

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