P. 4


                                             Corporate Legal Framework
          Objectives: This course is aimed at teaching the laws within which any business in India is supposed to operate and which
          defines the nature and enforceability of business transactions.

              Sr. No.                                                         Topics

                1.     Laws  of  Contract:  meaning,   nature  of  Contract,   elements  of  valid  contract,
                       proposal,    consideration,  Laws    of    contract:    Agreement      declared      as    void,

                       performance of  contract,   Discharge   of  contract, remedies for Breach of Contract.

                2.     Consumer  protection  Act, 1986, FEMA Act, 1999,

                3.     Information  technology  Act, 2000, The competition Act 2002
                4.     Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881:  meaning, types  of negotiable instruments, rules

                       and regulations associated with the Act.
                5.     Indian Companies Act, 1956: Meaning, kinds of Companies.
                 6     Formation of Company: Documents related with incorporation:

                       Memorandum  of Association, Articles of Association, and Prospectus.
                 7     Share Capital: Company Management and Administration,  types of Meetings,

                       Liquidation of Company.
                 8     Industrial Law: Factories Act, 1948, Workmen’s compensation  Act, 1923.

                 9     Employee provident fund Act, 1952, payment of gratuity Act 1972, minimum

                       wages Act, 1948, trade unions Act, 1926.
                10     The Securities and exchange board of India: Establishment  of SEBI, Powers and

                       Functions of SEBI.
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