P. 7

Mahesh Kumar Sarva, Lovely Professional University
                                                                           Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management

                    Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management                                  Notes

              1. 1  Meaning and Scope of Financial Management
                   1.1.1  Scope of Financial Management

                   1.1.2  Important Topics in Financial Management
              1.2  Goals/Objectives of  Financial Management—Profit  Maximization  vs.  Wealth
              1.3  Finance Functions
                   1.3.1  Place of Finance Function in the Organizational Structure

                   1.3.2  Relation of Finance with Economics
                   1.3.3  Relation to Accounting
                   1.3.4  Interface with other Functions
              1.4  Supplementary noteworthy Aspects related to Financial Management
                   1.4.1  Methods and Tools of Financial Management
                   1.4.2  Forms of Business Organization
              1.5  Summary
              1.6  Keywords
              1.7  Review Questions

              1.8  Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               Recognize the meaning and scope of financial management
               Describe the goals and objectives of financial management
               Explain the different Finance functions
               Discuss various significant aspects related to financial management


            Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually, all individuals and
            organizations earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the
            process,  institutions,  markets  and instruments involved  in  the  transfer  of money  among
            individuals, business and governments.

            1. 1 Meaning and Scope of Financial Management

            Financial management as an academic discipline has undergone fundamental changes  with
            regard to its scope and coverage. In the earlier years, it was treated synonymously with the

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