P. 118
Unit 7: Training, Development and Career Management
Table 7.1: Benefits of Training
Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Employee
Trained people can work more efficiently It makes an employee more useful to the firm.
They use machines, tools materials in a It makes employees more efficient and effective.
proper way. Wastage is thus eliminated to They produce more with minimum effort.
a large extent.
There are fewer accidents. It enables employees to secure promotion easily.
They can realize their career goals comfortably.
They show superior performance. They can handle jobs with confidence. They
are more satisfied on their jobs. Their morale
would be high.
It makes employees more loyal to an It can enable employees to cope with organisational,
organisation. They will be less inclined to social and technological change. Effective
leave the unit where there are growth training is an invaluable investment in the human
opportunities. resource of an organisation.
Did u know? What is Training Quintet?
The training quintet consists of senior managers, line managers, training manager
including training needs identification and analysis.
Self Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Training objectives should be expressed in
(i) Employee behaviours
(ii) Management desires
(iii) Needs assessment
(iv) Subjective judgement
(v) Employee reactions.
2. Training evaluation criteria include all but
(i) Reactions
(ii) Learning
(iii) Behaviour
(iv) Relevance
(v) Results
3. Technological obsolescence of engineers can be easily prevented by
(i) Behaviour modelling
(ii) Lectures
(iii) Coaching