P. 128

Unit 7: Training, Development and Career Management

             for their actions; without letting loose the managerial involvement. Managers still need  Notes
             to encourage, enthuse and co-ordinate the workers. Empowerment must be allowed at all
             levels so that members can learn from each other simultaneously.
             Learning systems also need to replicate real-life situation through series of simulation
             games. This facilitates learning from mistakes to make the future learning more effective
             Learning environment need to be open, flexible and motivating. To facilitate continuous
             learning some organizations also make extensive use of electronic media like e-learning,
             duly providing  a track to measure the learning progresses. But its acceptance  largely
             depends on workers urge to learn. This can be ensured linking  learning with various
             incentive packages and HR decisions.
             To implement a  learning organisation philosophy in an organization, we require  an
             overall strategy with clear, well  defined  goals. Once  goals and overall strategy  are
             identified, specific action plans are required to implement  the same. There are  three
             generic strategies to develop a learning organization. Peter Senge also focused on certain
             initiatives required at organization level to implement learning organization philosophy.
             Three strategies, however, are as under:
             1.  Accidental: For many organisations implementing learning organisation philosophy
                 is more accidental than preconceived. In the process of achieving business goals
                 quite  often  unknowingly  they  develop  a  framework,  which  fit the  learning
                 organisation philosophy. Therefore, even remaining unaware, organizations can
                 emulate the learning philosophy to gain competitive advantage.

             2.  Subversive: Subversive strategy encapsulate the dissidence by exploiting ideas and
                 techniques of people working in the organization. It requires open endorsement of
                 the learning organisation ideal, so that people can express their ideas.
             3.  Declared: The third option is the declared approach. It requires clear promotion of
                 the principles of learning organizations, as part of the organizational ethos and are
                 manifested openly in all organizational initiatives.
             Learning Organisations Work at following Aims:
             Development of People: A Learning Organisation facilitates learning which improves the
             personal skills and qualities of members of organisation. Members just not get benefited
             from their own but also from sharing of experience of others.
             Greater Motivation: Because of participation of people to improve their own skills, values
             and work, they become more matured about their role and feel motivated to contribute
             their best. Opportunities for innovation and creativity,  free thinking develop their self
             and make them feel satisfied in their job roles.
             Workforce become Flexible: Learning organisation makes workers more flexible. Workers
             can move  freely within  the organisation in between  jobs and  thereby  develop  their
             capability to cope rapidly with a changing environment, to survive in competition.
             Workers become More Creative: People get more opportunities to be creative in a learning
             organisation. They can try out new ideas without bothering about mistakes. They get
             recognised about their creative contributions which makes room for new ideas to flourish.
             Improvement in Social Interaction: Learning improves social interaction and develops
             interpersonal communication skills. This encourages teamwork which as a result makes
             organization to work better.


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