P. 285

Human Resource Mangement

                    Notes          3.  Explain different aspects of IHRM.
                                   4.       Explain how IHRM differs from domestic HRM?
                                   5.  What  are the  main  reasons  for emergence  of  IHRM.  Give  your  answer with  some
                                       organizational examples.
                                   6.  Discuss how IHRM influence HR practices. Illustrate your answer selecting at least two
                                       HR areas.

                                   7.  Discuss the concept of managing IHRM activities.
                                   8.  Define the term culture.
                                   9.      What is cultural diversity?
                                   10.  Explain Expatriate Problem.

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  F                                 2.   T

                                   3.  F                                 4.   F
                                   5.  T                                 6.   T
                                   7.  Polycentric                       8.   Export

                                   9.  Repatriation                      10.  Job analysis
                                   11.  (iv)                             12.  (iii)
                                   13.  (iii)                            14.  (iv)
                                   15.  (iv)

                                   16.7 Further Readings

                                   Books       Aswathapa, K. (2008), Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill.

                                               Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
                                               French, W.L. (1990), Human Resource Management, 4th ed., Houghton Miffin, Boston.
                                               H.J. Bernardin, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
                                               Ivancevich, J. M. (2008), Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
                                               Madhurima Lall and Sakina Qasim Zaidi,  Human Resource Management,  Excel
                                               Rao P.S. (2008), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial.
                                               Relations, Text cases and Games, Himalaya Publication.

                                   Online links

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