P. 99
Human Resource Management
Notes It is not a foolproof method of selection. It may suffer from drawbacks:
1. It is an expensive device.
2. It can only test the personality of the candidate & not his skills & ability for the job.
3. It depends on the personal judgment of the interviewer & it may not be always be
4. The interviewer may not be in the position to extract maximum information from
the candidate.
6.4.1 Checking References
An applicant may be asked to in the application blank to supply two types of references:
1. Character references
2. Experiences references
Limitation to this method is that it lacks standardization and objectivity. It is rare to get correct
opinion about the candidate, even after giving the assurance that the information supplied will
be kept confidential.
6.4.2 Medical Examination
A proper medical examination will ensure higher standard of health and physical fitness of the
employee and will reduce the rate of accident, labour turnover & absenteeism.
The advantages of medical examination are:
1. It serves to ascertain the applicants physical Capabilities to meet the job requirement.
2. It serves to protect the organisation against the unwarranted claims under workmen
compensation laws or against law suits for damages.
3. It helps to prevent communicable diseases entering the organisation.
6.4.3 Job Offer
It is made through a letter of appointment. It contains a date by which the appointee must report
on duty. Decency demands that he rejected applicants be informed about their non-selection.
6.4.4 Evaluation of the Selection Programme
Analysis of the Program
1. Is the selection programme consistent with the HRM theory and practice?
2. Have well defined selection policies and procedures been developed?
3. Are the employment policies consistent with the public policies?
How adequately are the programme and its procedures communicated to all those involved in
and are affected by it?
How well is the programme implemented?