P. 140
Research Methodology
Notes 7.6 Review Questions
1. What is meant by secondary data?
2. Differentiate between internal and external secondary data.
3. What are the sources of secondary data?
4. What are the types of secondary data?
5. What are the special techniques of secondary data?
6. What is the classification of syndicated data?
7. What are the advantages and limitations of syndicated data?
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of secondary data?
9. Discuss the sources of secondary data for the study on "consumer purchasing a white
10. What is Omnibus Survey?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Internal, External 2. secondary
3. company's 4. four
5. External 6. market research
7. audits 8. target
9. weekly, monthly 10. cheaper
11. field staff 12. Unit of measurement
13. accuracy 14. units
15. Recency
7.7 Further Readings
Books A Parasuraman, Dhruv Grewal, Marketing Research, Biztantra.
Cooper and Schinder, Business Research Methods, TMH.
CR Kotari, Research Methodology, Vishwa Prakashan.
David Luck and Ronald Rubin, Marketing Research, PHI.
GA Churchil, Marketing Research, Iacobucci, Thomson.
Naresh Amphora, Marketing Research, Pearson Education.
OR Krishna Swamy, Methodology of Research in Social Sciences, HPH.
S.N Murthy and U. Bhojanna, Business Research Methods, Excel Books, 3rd Edition.
William MC Trochim, Research Methods, Biztantra.
William Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson.