P. 50
Research Methodology
Notes 3.4 Difference between Exploratory Research and Descriptive
Table 3.1
Exploratory Research Descriptive Research
It is concerned with the “Why” aspect of It is concerned with the “What”, “When” or “How
consumer behaviour i.e., it tries to understand often” on the consumer behaviour.
the problem and not measure the result.
This research does not require large samples. This needs large samples of respondents.
Sample need not to represent the population. Sample must be representative of population.
Due to imprecise statement, data collection is Statement is precise. Therefore data collection is
not easy. easy
Characteristics of interest to be measured is not Characteristics of interest to be measured is clear.
There is no need for a questionnaire for There should be a properly designed
collecting the data. questionnaire for data collection.
Data collection methods are: Use of panel data
Focus group Longitudinal
Literature Searching Cross-sectional studies
Case study
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
13. ……………….research requires large samples.
14. In …………………research, there is no need for a questionnaire for collecting the data.
3.5 Causal Research Design
Causal Research are the studies that engage in hypotheses testing usually explain the nature of
certain relationships, or establish the differences among groups or the independence of two or
more factors in a situation. A research design in which the major emphasis is on determining a
cause-and-effect relationship. The research is used to measure what impact a specific change will
have on existing norms and allows market researchers to predict hypothetical scenarios upon
which a company can base its business plan.
Example: If a clothing company currently sells blue denim jeans, causal research can measure
the impact of the company changing the product design to the colour white.
Following the research, company bosses will be able to decide whether changing the colour of
the jeans to white would be profitable.
To summarise, causal research is a way of seeing how actions now will affect a business in the
future. Nevertheless, it has to be remembered that not all causal research hypotheses can be