P. 314

Unit 14: Financial Regulations

          4.   three                          5.  weak                                          Notes
          6.   Role ambiguity                 7.  Reserve Bank
          8.   note-issuing                   9.  money
          10.  Stabilisation                  11. Selective credit controls
          12.  Central Banks                  13. Bank rate
          14.  interest rates                 15. OMO

          14.7 Further Readings

           Books      G. M. Meier and R. E. Baldwin, Economic Development, Theory, History, Policy,
                      John Wiley & Sons, INC, New York, 1957, p.2.
                      George Rosen, Industrial Change in India, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1959,

                      W. Arthur Lewis, The Theory of Economic Growth, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.,
                      London, 1956, p11.
                      Ragnar Nurkse, Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries,
                      Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1955, p.2.Ibid.

          Online links



             Case Study  RBI asks Banks to fund Self-help Groups Directly

             Alarmed at micro-finance institutions' exposure to SHGs.

             Both public and private sector banks were too "lethargic" in financing and re-financing
             SHGs, which has "led to MFIs taking advantage and becoming aggressive lenders at high
             rate of interest".
             Alarmed at micro-finance institutions' exposure to self-help groups (SHGs), the Reserve
             Bank of India has asked public and private-sector banks to step up lending to SHGs. This
             directive also comes at a time when micro-finance institutions (MFIs) have been asked to
             reduced their high rate of interest being offered to their customers.

             Speaking at a Dharwad District Consultative Committee meet recently, an RBI official
             said that both public and private sector banks were too "lethargic" in financing and re-
             financing SHGs, which has "led to MFIs taking advantage and becoming aggressive lenders
             at high rate of interest".


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