P. 73

Digital Circuits and Logic Design

                   Notes          Thus, the resultant expression for X is simply X = C. This can be proved as follows:
                                                                   X =  ABC +  ABC +  ABC +  ABC
                                                                     =  AC B( +  B) +  AC B + B)
                                                                     =  AC +  AC
                                                                     =  CA(  +  A) = C

                                 As  another  example,  consider  Figure  4.19(d), where the four squares containing 1s are
                                  ABCD ABCD ABCD, and  ABCD. Examination of these terms indicates that only the variables
                                 A and  D remain unchanged, so that the simplified expression)r X is
                                                                   X =  AD
                                 To summarize:

                                 Looping a quad of 1s eliminates the two variables that appear in both complemented and
                                 uncomplemented form.

                                 Looping Groups of Eight (Octets)
                                 A group of eight 1s that are adjacent to one another is called an octet. Several examples of octets
                                 are shown in Figure 4.20. When an octet is looped in a four-variable map, three of the four
                                              Figure 4.19: Examples of Looping Groups of Eight 1s (Octets)

                                 variables are eliminated because only one variable remains unchanged. For example, examination
                                 of the eight looped squares in Figure 4.19 (a) shows that only the variable B is in the same form
                                 for all eight squares; the other variables appear in complemented and uncomplemented form.
                                 Thus, for this map, X = B. The reader can verify the results for the other examples in Figure 4.19.

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