P. 164

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems

                    Notes          Schank developed the model to represent knowledge for natural language input into computers.
                                   Partly influenced by the work of Sydney Lamb, his goal was to make the meaning independent
                                   of the words used in the input, i.e. two sentences identical in meaning, would have a single
                                   representation. The system was also intended to draw logical inferences.
                                   The model uses the following basic representational tokens:

                                       real world objects, each with some attributes.
                                       real world actions, each with attributes

                                   A set of conceptual transitions then act on this representation, e.g. an ATRANS is used to represent
                                   a transfer such as “give” or “take” while a PTRANS is used to act on locations such as “move” or
                                   “go”. An MTRANS represents mental acts such as “tell”, etc.
                                   A sentence such as “john gave a book to Mary” is then represented as the action of an ATRANS
                                   on two real world objects John and Mary.

                                   This representation is used in natural language processing in order to represent them earning of
                                   the sentences in such a way that inference we can be made from the sentences. It is independent
                                   of the language in which the sentences were originally stated. CD representations of a sentence
                                   is built out of primitives, which are not words belonging to the language but are conceptual,
                                   these primitives are combined to form the meanings of the words. As an example, consider the
                                   event represented by the sentence.

                                   In the above representation, the symbols have the following meaning:
                                       Arrows indicate direction of dependency

                                       Double arrow indicates two may link between actor and the action
                                       P indicates past tense
                                   ATRANS is one of the primitive acts used by the theory. It indicates transfer of possession

                                       0 indicates the object case relation
                                       R indicates the recipient case relation
                                   Conceptual dependency provides a structure in which knowledge can be represented and also a
                                   set of building blocks from which representations can be built. A typical set of primitive actions
                                   ATRANS – Transfer of an abstract relationship (E.g.: give)
                                   PTRANS – Transfer of the physical location of an object (E.g.: go)

                                   PROPEL – Application of physical force to an object (E.g.: push)
                                   MOVE – Movement of a body part by its owner (e.g.: kick)

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