P. 180

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems


                                     Notes Algorithms for these problems include the basic brute-force search (also called
                                     “naïve” or “uninformed” search), and a variety of heuristics that try to exploit partial
                                     knowledge about structure of the space, such as linear relaxation, constraint generation,
                                     and constraint propagation.

                                   This class also includes various tree search algorithms, that view the elements as vertices of a
                                   tree, and traverse that tree in some special order. Examples of the latter include the exhaustive
                                   methods such as depth-first search and breadth-first search, as well as various heuristic-based
                                   search tree pruning methods such as backtracking and branch and bound. Unlike general
                                   metaheuristics, which at best work only in a probabilistic sense, many of these tree-search
                                   methods are guaranteed to find the exact or optimal solution, if given enough time. Another
                                   important sub-class consists of algorithms for exploring the game tree of multiple-player games,
                                   such as chess or backgammon, whose nodes consist of all possible game situations that could
                                   result from the current situation. The goal in these problems is to find the move that provides
                                   the best chance of a win, taking into account all possible moves of the opponent(s). Similar
                                   problems occur when humans or machines have to make successive decisions whose outcomes
                                   are not entirely under one’s control, such as in robot guidance or in marketing, financial or
                                   military strategy planning. This kind of problem – combinatorial search – has been extensively
                                   studied in the context of artificial intelligence. Examples of algorithms for this class are the
                                   minimax algorithm, alpha-beta pruning, and the A* algorithm.

                                   9.4.1 Hill Climbing Methods

                                   Hill climbing is a mathematical optimization technique which belongs to the family of local
                                   search. It is an iterative algorithm that starts with an arbitrary solution to a problem, then
                                   attempts to find a better solution by incrementally changing a single element of the solution. If
                                   the change produces a better solution, an incremental change is made to the new solution,
                                   repeating until no further improvements can be found.

                                          Example: Hill climbing can be applied to the travelling salesman problem. It is easy to
                                   find an initial solution that visits all the cities but will be very poor compared to the optimal
                                   solution. The algorithm starts with such a solution and makes small improvements to it, such as
                                   switching the order in which two cities are visited. Eventually, a much shorter route is likely to
                                   be obtained. One of the problems with hill climbing is getting stuck at the local minima and this
                                   is what happens when you reach F. An improved version of hill climbing (which is actually used
                                   practically) is to restart the whole process by selecting a random node in the search tree and
                                   again continue towards finding an optimal solution. If once again you get stuck at some local
                                   minima you have to restart again with some other random node.
                                   Generally, there is a limit on the no. of time you can re-do this process of finding the optimal
                                   solution. After you reach this limit, you select the least amongst all the local minima’s you
                                   reached during the process. Though, it is still not complete but this one has better chances of
                                   finding the global optimal solution. Hill climbing has no guarantee against getting stuck in a
                                   local minima/maxima. However, only the purest form of hill climbing doesn’t allow you to
                                   either backtrack. A simple riff on hill climbing that will avoid the local minima issue (at the
                                   expense of more time and memory) is a tabu search, where you remember previous bad results
                                   and purposefully avoid them.

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