P. 227
Unit 12: Natural Language Processing
Rule Input Notes
S → .NP VP they fish
NP → .they they fish
NP → they. fish
S → NP .VP fish
VP → .Vi fish
Vi → .fish fish
Vi → fish.
VP → Vi.
S → NP VP.
Of course, in parsing this sentence we have magically chosen the correct rule at each point, and
ignored choices which would not lead to a successful parse. To fully specify the algorithm we
would need to eliminate all this magic and provide an exhaustive mechanism for trying out all
possibilities. We can do this by non-deterministically trying out all alternatives at each point as
they arise, or, more flexibly, by casting our algorithm in the form of a set of operations on
representations that encode the state of a parse. Each parsing step takes an ‘item’, as we shall call
them, and produces a set of new items. These alternatives can be pursued in whatever order is
convenient. Parsing proceeds from an initial seed item and ends when no more steps are possible.
Each remaining item, if there are any, will then represent a successful parse of the input. An item
consists of a list of ‘dotted trees’ with the most recent to the right, and a list of unconsumed
words. ‘Dotted trees’ are derived from dotted rules in an obvious way (a rule like S -¿ NP .VP is
represented [S NP .VP]) and represent the partial analyses built so far. The list of words is the
input remaining to be parsed. There are three basic operations that can be performed on an item:
(i) If there is a word after a dot in the most recent tree that matches the next word in the input,
make a new item like the current one except that the dot follows the word, and the next
word is removed from the input. For example, an item of the form. < ... [NP .they], [they
can fish]> will yield a new item:
< ... [NP they.], [can fish] >
(ii) If the most recent tree has the dot at the end of its daughters, integrate it with the tree to its
left, if there is one. So an item like:
<[S .NP VP], [NP they.], [can fish]>
yields a new one:
<[S [NP they] .VP], [can fish]>
(iii) If there is a rule whose left hand side matches the category following the dot in the most
recent tree, make a new item like the old one with the addition of a new tree derived from
the rules, with the dot preceding its daughters.
An item like
<[S .NP VP], [they can fish]>
yields one like:
<[S .NP VP], [NP .they], [they can fish]>