P. 254
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems
Notes 13.5.2 Validation of Knowledge
It is used in many computer science domains such as artificial intelligence, including databases,
data mining, expert systems, decision support systems and geographic information systems.
Knowledge engineering is also related to mathematical logic, as well as strongly involved in
cognitive science and socio-cognitive engineering where the knowledge is produced by
socio-cognitive aggregates (mainly humans) and is structured according to our understanding
of how human reasoning and logic works.
Various activities of KE specific for the development of a knowledge-based system:
Assessment of the problem
Development of a knowledge-based system shell/structure
Acquisition and structuring of the related information, knowledge and specific preferences
(IPK model)
Implementation of the structured knowledge into knowledge bases
Testing and validation of the inserted knowledge
Integration and maintenance of the system
Revision and evaluation of the system.
Being still more art than engineering, KE is not as neat as the above list in practice. The phases
overlap, the process might be iterative, and many challenges could appear.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
13. Different frames may share the different terminals.
14. Each piece of information about a particular frame is held in a slot.
15. An ANN is defined by four types of parameters.
13.6 Distinguishing Features of Expert Systems
Quick Availability and Opportunity to Program Itself
As the rule base is in everyday language (the engine is untouchable), expert system can be
written much faster than a conventional program, by users or experts, bypassing professional
developers and avoiding the need to explain the subject.
Ability to Exploit a Considerable Amount of Knowledge
The expert system uses a rule base, unlike conventional programs, which means that the volume
of knowledge to program is not a major concern. Whether the rule base has 10 rules or 10,000,
the engine operation is the same.
The reliability of an expert system is the same as the reliability of a database, i.e. good, higher
than that of a classical program. It also depends on the size of knowledge base.