P. 62

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems

                    Notes               (loop do ... until c)               loop (do something until condition)
                                        (loop with VAR = INITIAL-VALUE ... while  loop (for "a la C" (while + initialisation))
                                        CONDITION finally INCREMENT ...)
                                        (loop for i from 1 to 10 by -1 do ...)   loop (for each value in a numeric range, 1
                                        (loop for i from 1 to 10 do ...)    loop (for each value in a numeric range, 1
                                                                            increment (see also the entries about ranges))
                                        (loop for i from 1 to 10 by 2 do ...)   loop (for each value in a numeric range, free
                                        (loop do ...)                       loop (forever loop)
                                        (loop while c do ...)               loop (while condition do something)
                                        (case val                           multiple selection (switch)
                                           ((v1) ...)
                                           ((v2) ...)
                                           (otherwise ...))
                                        (progn ...) (prog1 ...) (prog2 ...)   Sequence

                                        (declare (t v))                     annotation (or variable declaration)
                                        (deftype n () 't)                   Declaration

                                       Object Oriented & Reflexivity
                                        call-next-method                    accessing parent method
                                        defclass defstruct                  class declaration
                                        dispatching parameter               current instance
                                        type-of                             get the type/class corresponding to an
                                        find-method                         has the method
                                        (defclass child (parent) ...)       Inheritance
                                        (method object para)                method invocation
                                        (method object)                     method invocation (with no parameter)
                                        (make-instance class_name ...)      object creation
                                        Typep                               testing class membership

                                       Package, Module
                                        (defpackage p ...)                  Declare
                                        (export 'name1 'name2)              declare (selective export)
                                        (use-package 'p)                    import (everything into current namespace)
                                        (require 'p)                        import (package (ie. load the package))
                                        (import '(p:name1 p:name2))         import (selectively)
                                        :::(5)                              package scope

                                        char, aref, schar, svref            accessing n-th character
                                        Aref                                accessing n-th character
                                        code-char                           ascii to character

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