P. 62

Lab on Computer Graphics

                   Notes            4.  Choose the next pixel depending on the value of p n . If p n  < 0, choose pixel (x n  + 1, y n ), if
                                      p n  > 0, choose pixel (x n  + 1, y n  – 1), and if p n  = 0, choose either pixel.
                                    5.  If you chose pixel (x n  + 1, y n ), determine the next pixel from the sign of (x n  + 2, y n  – ½)
                                      denoted by p n +1:

                                                  P n +1 = g(x n +2, y n –1/2)
                                                      = (x n +2)  + (y n –1/2)  – R 2
                                       => The increment in p is Δp 1  = p n +1 – p n  = 2x + 3.
                                       If you choose pixel (x n +1, y n –1), determine the next pixel from the sign of (x n +2, – 3/2 )
                                      denoted by p n +1:
                                                  P n +1 = g (x n +2, y n –3/2)
                                                      = (x n +2)  + (y n –3/2)  – R 2
                                       => The increment in p is Δp 2  = p n +1 – p n  = 2x n  – 2y n  + 5.
                                    6.  Calculate the initial condition, p 0 . The first point on the circle is (0, R) and the first midpoint
                                      D is at (1, R – ½). Calculate p 0  as:
                                                 => p 0  = g(1, R – ½)
                                                      = 12 + (R – ½)  – R 2
                                                      = 5/4 – R.

                                       If all the attributes of the circle, such as the centre coordinates and the radius, are given
                                      as integers, you can round p 0  to p 0  = 1 – R.
                                    7.  To draw the circle, start with the pixel (0, R) and initialize p to 0.

                                 After plotting the pixel (0, R), increment the value of p by p 0 . For subsequent pixels, determine
                                 the next pixel depending upon the value of p. If p < 0, choose (x n +1, y n ) as the next pixel and
                                 increment p by Δp 1 . If p > 0, choose pixel (x n +1, y n +1) and increment p by Δp 1 . If p = 0, choose
                                 either. Plot the pixels on the circumference of the circle up to x = R/√2 or y < x. For each pixel
                                 calculated, use the symmetry () function to obtain all the symmetric pixels.
                                 4.2.2 Implement Midpoint Circle Drawing Algorithm in C
                                          void draw_circle(int, int, int);
                                          void symmetry(int, int, int, int);
                                            int x c , y c , R;
                                            int driver, mode;
                                              printf(“Enter the center of the circle:\n”);
                                            printf(“Xc =”);
                                            scanf(“%d”, &xc);
                                            printf(“Yc =”);
                                            scanf(“%d”, &y c );

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